PHP String Objects is a library that provides an easy and intuitive interface for working with PHP arrays and objects. With built-in validation and filtering, it makes it easier to access, manipulate and validate data, saving you time and frustration.
- Allows accessing objects via strings
- Allows checking if the values of objects are valid using pre-defined or custom validation rules
- Provides middleware functionality to set memory limits or other configurations
- Provides data filters to manipulate the values of objects
- Can be used to set or get values of objects and arrays in a simplified manner
To install the library, run the following Composer command:
composer require uuur86/strobj
To get started with PHP String Objects, include the following code at the top of your PHP file:
use StrObj\StringObjects;
Here is an example of how to use PHP String Objects to access and manipulate data in a JSON string:
use StrObj\StringObjects;
// String JSON data to be used
// or you can use an object/array
$persons = '{
"persons": [
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "twelve"
"name": "Molly Doe",
"age": "14"
"name": "Lorem Doe",
"age": "34"
"name": "Ipsum Doe",
"age": "21"
$test = StringObjects::instance(
'validation' => [
'patterns' => [
// Add a new pattern named 'age' which only accepts numbers
'age' => '#^[0-9]+$#siu',
// Add a new pattern named 'name' which only accepts letters and spaces
'name' => '#^[a-zA-Z ]+$#siu',
'rules' => [
// first rule
// path scope to be checked
'path' => 'persons/*/age',
// uses 'age' pattern
'pattern' => 'age',
// makes it required
'required' => true
// second rule
'path' => 'persons/*/name',
'pattern' => 'name',
'required' => true
'middleware' => [
// Sets memory limit to 3MB
'memory_limit' => 1024 * 1024 * 3,
// Output data filters
'filters' => [
// Filters all persons/*/age values
'persons/*/age' => [
// converts to integer
'type' => 'int',
// only accepts values greater than 10
'callback' => function ($value) {
return $value > 10;
'persons/*/name' => [
// converts to string (not necessary)
'type' => 'string',
// only accepts values which contains only letters and spaces
'callback' => function ($value) {
return preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z ]+$#siu', $value);
// False
// True
// False
// False
// Updates value of persons/0/name
$test->set('persons/0/name', 'John D.');
// Updates value of persons/0/age
$test->set('persons/0/age', 12);
// Adds a new person named "Neo Doe" with age 199
$test->set('persons/4/name', 'Neo Doe');
$test->set('persons/4/age', 199);
// Outputs "John D."
// Outputs "12"
// Outputs "Neo Doe"
// Outputs "199"
// Updates value of persons/4/age to "200"
$test->set('persons/4/age', 200);
// Outputs "200"
composer test
php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestScenarios
Uğur Biçer - @uuur86
If you want to contribute to this project, you can send pull requests.
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You can report bugs via github issues.
If you find a security issue, please report it via email:
If you want to support me, you can donate via github sponsors:
- uuur86/wpoauth - Wordpress OAuth2 Client
- @codeplusdev - Codeplus Development