Transfer wiki links (based on the title) in Markdown files to permalink.
将基于标题的双向链接转换为 Hexo 设定的永久链接。
This plugin makes you easy to use wiki links (its form may be [[Title]]
or [[Title|Alias]]
) in Hexo.
It would be more useful when you use Obsidian to manage your blogs.
In addition, it allows you to customize the rendered HTML links.
- For the plugin to work as expected, make sure the titles of all your articles are unique.
npm install hexo-filter-titlebased-link --save
To configure this plugin, add these contents in the _config.yml
# hexo-filter-titlebased-link
enable: true # enable this plugin
Hexo sets every post a Permalinks, which can be configured in the _config.yml
Here is an example:
# in _config.yml
permalink: p/:year/:month/:day/:hour/:minute/:second/
Assume you have a post named my_post_1
whose permalink is p/2024/04/12/14/18/50/
In another post named my_post_2
, you wrote a wiki link to my_post_1
This is my_post_2,
you can click this link: [[my_post_1]],
or [[my_post_1|Any title]].
After rendering by Hexo, the resultant HTML file of
will be:
<p>This is my_post_2, </p>
<p>you can click this link: <a href="/p/2024/04/12/14/18/50/">my_post_1</a>,</p>
<p>or <a href="/p/2024/04/12/14/18/50/">Any title</a>.</p>
Similar to the hexo-filter-custom-link, this plugin reserves several slots for custom HTML.
<a ${config.custom_html.link_attributes} href="/p/2024/04/12/14/18/50/">
For example, if your option is:
enable: true # enable this plugin
link_attributes: 'class="my-link" title="example"'
before_tag: '<p class="my-p"> Before the link '
after_tag: ' After the link </p>'
before_text: ''
after_text: ''
Then the resultant HTML will be (the code below was formatted for ease of review):
<p class="my-p">
Before the link
<a class="my-link" title="example" href="/p/2024/04/12/14/18/50/">this link</a>
After the link
- hexo-filter-custom-link: Customize the rendered HTML of Links. 自定义链接渲染后的 HTML。
- hexo-filter-link-post: Transfer relative post link in markdown file to post link. 将文件里的通过相对路径引用的 markdown 文件转为对应的文章的链接。
- hexo-abbrlink: Create one and only link for every post for hexo. 为每一篇 Hexo 文章创建独一无二的永久链接。
更多 Obsidian 语法插件推荐详见我的博客文章 Hexo 博客适配 Obsidian 新语法。