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System Architecture

logonoff edited this page Nov 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

System Architecture

Abstracted System Architecture This heavily simplified flowchart depicts the system architecture. The user logs in using Shibboleth to access the frontend. The frontend communicates using the REST API to make requests to the server, which modifies the database accordingly using the ORM (Prisma) interface.

User Roles and Characteristics


The student role is the default role given to everyone upon first launch (given already authenticated with Shibboleth. It gives the following permissions:

  • Create a group

Request Approver

The request approver role is manually given to faculty upon request. After being granted the approver role, faculty must also request permission to become an approver for each room they would like to approve. It gives the following permissions:

  • View a log of all previous requests
  • Can approve/deny requests for all rooms that they requested

TCard Approver

The TCard Approver role is given to system administrators (e.g., Andrew Wang) for the purpose of notifying the student that TCard access has been granted. It gives the following permissions:

  • View a log of all previous requests
  • Modify students’ database entry regarding TCard access


The administrator role has all permissions (i.e., the permissions of both Request Approver and TCard Approver) and is given to faculty upon request. It gives the following permissions:

  • View a log of all previous requests
  • Modify students’ database entry regarding TCard access
  • Can approve/deny requests made by any student
  • Reject bookings that are already approved
  • Can delete student groups


Groups are a concept used by the Hacklab Booking System to allow multiple people to view the status of bookings. There is no limit to how many members a group can have, and there is no limit to the number of total groups. Students must be added to a group or create a group to create requests.

Student Group Roles

In a group, there are two roles with the following permissions:

Group Manager
  • Can add/remove people to the group (without approval from faculty)
  • Can delete other bookings within their group
  • Can delete the group
Group Member
  • Can request bookings under their group name
  • Can leave the group
  • Can view all the group’s bookings

Design Constraints and Limitations

Our design has some limitations:

  • Upon initialization, there will be no administrators. The first administrator must be added by interacting directly with PostgreSQL.

Data Design

Data design diagram This diagram depicts a high-level overview of the data design.

Data Description


This table stores the account information for all users (students and faculty). The permission level is identified by the role field.

Table accounts {
  utorid string [pk]
  email string
  name string 
  role account_role
  webhooks Json
  discordWebhook string
  slackWebhook string
  theme theme

Account roles

This enum defines the permission level of a user, for more information see User Roles

enum account_role {

Account theme

This enum defines the theme that will be displayed to the user.

enum theme {


This table stores all requests. Each request is a group and a room is assigned to it. The status field is an enum which represents the current status of the request, see Request status enum.

Table requests {
  id uuid [pk]
  status request_status // the status of the request defined by the Request status enum
  group uuid [ref: >] // the group making the request
  author string [ref: > accounts.utorid] // the author of the request
  approvers string[] [ref: > accounts.utorid] // the approvers assigned to this booking
  start_date date // the starting date and time of the request in ISO 8601 format
  end_date date // the ending date and time of the request in ISO 8601 format
  description string // a summary of the event provided to the approvers for review
  title string // the name of the event
  room string [ref: > rooms.room_name] // the room booked
  reason string [null] // (optional) the reason for the denial/approval of a request
  createdAt date
  updatedAt date

Request status enum

Every request must have a status, the status shows the state of a given request.

enum request_status {
  pending // the request is awaiting the approver's approval
  denied // the request has been denied by an approver
  cancelled // the request has been cancelled by the author or group manager
  need_tcard // the request has been approved by an approver but still needs TCard approval
  completed // the request is approved and the author has TCard access

The following flowchart further details the relationship between these request statuses in the booking system:

A flowchart detailing the request statuses

Once a user enters booking information, it enters the selected approvers' request list, where it is reviewed and either approved or denied. If a request is approved and it is the request authors' first time booking, then it enters the TCard approvers' request list to grant the request author TCard access to the room. Once the proper TCard access is granted, the request will be marked as "complete."


This table contains information about the groups.

Table groups {
  id uuid [pk]
  members integer[] [ref: <>] // all members of the group, including managers, excluding any invited users
  invited integer[] [ref: <>] // users that have been invited to the group and have yet to accept
  managers integer[] [ref: <>] // the managers of the group


This table stores all bookable rooms.

Table rooms {
  room_name string [pk] // the room number, eg. DH2014
  friendly_name string // friendly name, eg. Hacklab
  capacity integer // (optional) occupancy limit
  userAccess string[] [ref: <> accounts.utorid] // users that have access to this room
  approvers string[] [ref: <> accounts.utorid] // approvers for this room