logging extensions for pythons logging library
See the Documentation.
pip install loggext
- function-decorators for logging
- with support for asnyc-functions
- additional logging-handlers
- ColoredConsoleHandler
import logging
import loggext
from loggext.decorators import add_logging
# only configures if not already configured
if not loggext.logging_is_configured():
# adds colored output based on the level of each message
call=True, # logs when the function is called
call_args=True, # logs passed arguments of call
timeit=True, # measure performance of the function
timeit_precision=2, # number of units when formatting timing
result=True, # log the result
) # note: exception-logging is always
def myfn(arg):
... # your code
# DEBUG:root:<function myfn at 0x7f06a6cc3400> was called with ('value')
# DEBUG:root:<function myfn at 0x7f06a6cc3400> returned None after 65μs+614ns