To run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
- main technology -- Next.js
- requests -- axios, React-query(v5)
- css -- MUI
- authenification -- next-auth
- working with forms -- react-hook-form
- notifications -- react-toastify
every branch should contain action that discribe for what this branch is created (create, fix, update...)
we deployed our aplication on vercel Shoes shop
- main (/)
- /auth
- /sign-in (for logining)
- /sign-up (for registration)
- /forgot-password (for reseting password)
- /reset-password (for reseting password)
- /products (all products)
- /[productId] (chososen product)
- /my-products (users products) *Secure
- /add-product (page where user can create new product) *Secure
- /settings (user`s page where he/she can change his/her info) *Secure
- /cart (products cart)