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Assets is a library originally created for UserFrosting 4 to make it much easier to reference frontend assets in both production and development contexts.
Out of the box it can:
- Provide an easy way to generate an absolute url to an asset via a locator.
- Provide a basic level of integration with
and complete integration with@userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets
, making it easy to reference asset bundles. - Integrate via a common interface with virtually any bundling system.
- Integrate with Slim to serve assets that are inaccessible from the public folder, in the development context.
- Perform url-to-path transformations. Useful for making debuggable URLs that can be reverted back to the path to be used by the Slim asset server.
- Integrate with your preferred (and extendable) templating engine to provide easy access to asset bundles (that get wrapped with the appropriate tags) and individual assets.
composer require userfrosting/assets
To use Assets, you will need:
- An instance of
, where you can add your desired search paths. - The locator scheme (if it exists) you wish to look for assets in.
- The base url (used in generating URLs to assets).
- The base path (used in trimming the absolute path returned by the locator).
use UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocator;
use UserFrosting\Assets\Assets;
$basePath = __DIR__;
$baseUrl = '';
$locator = new ResourceLocator($basePath);
$locator->registerStream('assets', '', [
$assets = new Assets($locator, 'assets', $baseUrl);
Optionally 1 more argument can be passed into the
constructor, an instance ofPrefixTransformer
.Have a look at UserFrosting in dev mode to see this in action!
To access asset bundles from an Assets
instance, it must first be passed an instance of AssetBundlesInterface
via addAssetBundles
. The following example demonstates how to integrate with @userfrosting/gulp-bundle-assets
(and by extension gulp-bundle-assets
). Note that raw bundles are only supported when their configuration is defined as JSON.
Directory Tree
│ └asset-bundles.json
"bundle": {
"js/main": {
"scripts": [
"css/main": {
"styles": [
use UserFrosting\Assets\GulpBundleAssetsRawBundles;
// Load asset bundles.
$assetBundles = new GulpBundleAssetsRawBundles('../build/asset-bundles.json');
// Send loaded asset bundles to Assets instance.
// Grab an asset bundle.
// Outputs ["js/bootstrap-3.3.1.js", "js/crud.js"]
Compiled bundles can be used in much the same way, except using GulpBundleAssetsCompiledBundles
and the bundlers result file.
If using the original gulp-bundle-assets
you'll need to include an additional setting options->result->type->styles/scripts="plain"
in each bundle.
The template plugin is easy initialized by giving it the Assets
instance, and simply gets passed into the templating engine environment of your choice to be used.
use UserFrosting\Assets\AssetsTemplatePlugin;
$assetsPlugin = new AssetsTemplatePlugin($assets);
// Some code that passes it to Twig rendering environment.
{# Gets replaced at runtime with the following. Additional argument is optional. #}
{{ assets.js("js/main", { defer: true }) }}
<script src="" defer="true"></script>
<script src="" defer="true"></script>