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Releases: userfrosting/UserFrosting


12 Nov 23:40
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23 Oct 03:11
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5.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

What's changed

Full Changelog: 5.0.0-beta1...5.0.0-beta2


19 Apr 01:12
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5.0.0-beta1 Pre-release

This is the first beta of UserFrosting 5 !

IMPORTANT: This version is meant for testing. It's should not be used in a production environnement. No documentation is provided yet, beside this page. Feel free however to test this version and report any bugs, ideas or missing features!

This version is meant as a the first test version of the big V5 released. It's meant for UserFrosting developers to get a first fully working version of UF5 and to test it.

While no major changes are planed at this stage, things could still be moving around. Any breaking changes would however be documented during the beta period. Support for UF5 can be found for this beta on the chat or GitHub Discussions.


  • PHP 8.0, 8.1 or 8.2
  • Node.js 14 or higher
  • Database (MariaDB, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, or SQL Server)
  • Composer 2


To install locally, you can use theses commands, as long as you met the requirements above (i.e. PHP and Node installed). When running the bake command, you can select sqlite if you don't have a database engine installed.

composer create-project userfrosting/userfrosting UserFrosting "^5.0.0@dev"

Once the initial setup is done, the website can be locally served with the following command from the install directory and then be accessed at http://localhost:8888.

php -S localhost:8888 -t public

In the event something went wrong during initial setup, you can run it again manually with the following command from the install directory:

php bakery bake

What is UserFrosting 5 ?

UserFrosting 5 is the culmination of almost two years of work by @lcharette. It is a complete rewrite of the backend PHP code. And by complete, we really mean complete. No class was left untouched! The main updates are :

  • Slim 3 upgraded to Slim 4
  • Pimple Dependency Injection Container replaced with PHP-DI
  • Frontend assets management replaced with Webpack Encore
  • New Sprinkle system, now with extra modularity
  • Skeleton type main repo for easier initial development
  • Built-in sprinkle are now managed by Composer
  • New Event dispatcher and listener services
  • New Bakery command for easier debugging
  • (Almost) 100% test coverage and quality check through PHPStan
  • And so much more

The Slim migration itself is a big deal. While brining UF to a more modern era, it had the most impact on the core changes applied to the UserFrosting framework. Most changes were made in response to the new Slim 4 requirements and changes. It also required the use of a new Dependency Injector, which itself really brought UF5 to a whole new level. You should really check out PHP-DI, it's awesome!

Basically, UF5 uses updated dependencies, all of existing code have been updated to new standard and new test coverage should provide better long term stability.

What UserFrosting 5 isn't ?

UF5 is not a drop-in replacement for UF4. The whole backend has been rewritten, with a new container, sprinkle system, etc. which will require most sprinkle to be updated manually.

UserFrosting 5 also offers the same frontend as UserFrosting 4. But the bases have been set for the future, with Webpack Encore and the current AdminLTE theme separated in it's own Sprinkle providing the necessary tools for Vue.js or other similar frontend.

Known bugs and missing features

While most features are ready at this point, some things are not:

  • [Webpack Encore] Sprinkle entries needs to be manually copied in their parent sprinkle (Will require a custom plugin or contribution to Encore)
  • [General] Some test coverage still need to be added

What's next? When will it be stable? How can I help?

There's currently no ETA on the release date of the first stable version. For now, new beta released are planed, when necessary, until all documentation is written. Once this is done, the first release candidate version should be released, followed by the first stable release after some more testing.

At this point, the best way to help is to install this version and test it! Any bug you encounter should definitely be reported by opening a new issue. You can also contribute to the code and create pull requests.

Alternatively, you can contribute buy buying @lcharette a coffee.

Full Changelog: 5.0.0-alpha2...5.0.0-beta1


17 Apr 23:23
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.6.6...v4.6.7


03 Oct 01:33
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  • Added dependencies to AddingForeignKeys Migration (#1212)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.6.5...v4.6.6


28 Nov 00:56
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5.0.0-alpha2 Pre-release

The release of Alpha1 was created using the wrong branch. This release fix this, and brings no other changes from the first (intended) release.

This is the first pre-release of UserFrosting 5 !

IMPORTANT: This version is unstable and meant for development purpose only. It's should not be used on your own project. Things are not 100% final and no documentation is provided.

This version is meant as a the first stepping stone of the big V5 released, a way to "freeze frame" the current code and as a first technical release test. It's also meant for UserFrosting developers to get a first glimpse of what's coming up.

While no major changes are planed at this stage, things could still be moving around. No breaking changes might not be documented during the alpha stage. Limited support for UF5 can be found for this alpha on the chat or GitHub Discussions.


  • PHP 8.0 or 8.1
  • Node.js 14 or higher
  • Database (MariaDB, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, or SQL Server)
  • Composer 2


To install locally, you can use theses commands, as long as you met the requirements above (i.e. PHP and Node installed). When running the bake command, you can select sqlite if you don't have a database engine installed.

composer create-project userfrosting/userfrosting UserFrosting "^5.0.0@dev"
cd UserFrosting/
php bakery bake

Seeds are currently not run automatically. To manually run seeds (to create default groups, roles and permissions), run this command:

php bakery seed

Website can be locally served with the following command and then be accessed at http://localhost:8888.

php -S localhost:8888 -t public

What is UserFrosting 5 ?

UserFrosting 5 is the culmination of more than a year of work by @lcharette. It is a complete rewrite of the backend PHP code. And by complete, we really mean complete. No class was left untouched! The main updates are :

  • Slim 3 upgraded to Slim 4
  • Pimple Container replaced with PHP-DI
  • Frontend assets management replaced with Webpack Encore
  • New Sprinkle system, now with extra modularity
  • Skeleton type main repo for easier
  • Built in sprinkle are now managed by Composer
  • New Event dispatcher and listener services
  • New Bakery command for easier debugging
  • 100% test coverage and quality check through PHPStan
  • And so much more

The Slim migration itself is a big deal. While brining UF to a more modern era, it had the most impact on the core changes applied to the UserFrosting framework. Most changes were made in response to the new Slim 4 requirements and changes. It also required the use of a new Dependency Injector, which itself really brought UF5 to a whole new level. You should really check out PHP-DI, it's awesome!

Basically, UF5 uses updated dependencies, all of existing code have been updated to new standard and new test coverage should provide better long term stability.

What UserFrosting 5 isn't ?

UF5 is not a drop-in replacement for UF4. The whole backend has been rewritten, with a new container, sprinkle system, etc. which will require most sprinkle to be updated manually.

UserFrosting 5 also offers the same frontend as UserFrosting 4. But the bases have been set for the future, with Webpack Encore and the current AdminLTE theme separated in it's own Sprinkle providing the necessary tools for Vue.js or other similar frontend.

Known bugs and missing features

While most features are ready at this point, some things are not:

  • [Core] Default seeds are not run automatically on Bake
  • [Core Sprinkle] CSRF service not reimplemented yet.
  • [Core Sprinkle] Clear cache bakery command is not implemented yet.
  • [Core & Admin Sprinkles] Sprunje pagination might not work properly.
  • [Admin Sprinkle] Enabling/Disabling using the dropdown a user is not enabled (requires CORS).
  • [Admin Sprinkle] Clear cache button doesn't work.
  • [AdminLTE Theme] Alert messages might not be properly displayed, for example when a login error should be shown
  • [Webpack Encore] Sprinkle entries needs to be manually copied in their parent sprinkle (Will require a custom plugin or contribution to Encore)
  • [General] Some test coverage still need to be added

What's next? When will it be stable? How can I help?

There's currently no ETA on the release date of the first stable version. For now, alpha released are planed, when necessary, until all features and code coverage are done. Once this is done, the first beta should be released and work will start on the documentation. Once this is also done, the first stable release should be released.

The best way to help is to contribute to the code and create pull requests. You can also help by testing the current release and signaling bugs by opening a new issue. Just make sure to reference V5!

Alternatively, you can contribute through our Open Collective or buying a coffee round.


10 Aug 02:11
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5.0.0-alpha1 Pre-release

This is the first pre-release of UserFrosting 5 !

IMPORTANT: This version is unstable and meant for development purpose only. It's should not be used on your own project. Things are not 100% final and no documentation is provided.

This version is meant as a the first stepping stone of the big V5 released, a way to "freeze frame" the current code and as a first technical release test. It's also meant for UserFrosting developers to get a first glimpse of what's coming up.

While no major changes are planed at this stage, things could still be moving around. No breaking changes might not be documented during the alpha stage. Limited support for UF5 can be found for this alpha on the chat or GitHub Discussions.


  • PHP 8.0 or 8.1
  • Node.js 14 or higher
  • Database (MariaDB, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, or SQL Server)
  • Composer 2


To install locally, you can use theses commands, as long as you met the requirements above (i.e. PHP and Node installed). When running the bake command, you can select sqlite if you don't have a database engine installed.

composer create-project userfrosting/userfrosting UserFrosting "^5.0.0@dev"
cd UserFrosting/
php bakery bake

Seeds are currently not run automatically. To manually run seeds (to create default groups, roles and permissions), run this command:

php bakery seed

Website can be locally served with the following command and then be accessed at http://localhost:8888.

php -S localhost:8888 -t public

What is UserFrosting 5 ?

UserFrosting 5 is the culmination of more than a year of work by @lcharette. It is a complete rewrite of the backend PHP code. And by complete, we really mean complete. No class was left untouched! The main updates are :

  • Slim 3 upgraded to Slim 4
  • Pimple Container replaced with PHP-DI
  • Frontend assets management replaced with Webpack Encore
  • New Sprinkle system, now with extra modularity
  • Skeleton type main repo for easier
  • Built in sprinkle are now managed by Composer
  • New Event dispatcher and listener services
  • New Bakery command for easier debugging
  • 100% test coverage and quality check through PHPStan
  • And so much more

The Slim migration itself is a big deal. While brining UF to a more modern era, it had the most impact on the core changes applied to the UserFrosting framework. Most changes were made in response to the new Slim 4 requirements and changes. It also required the use of a new Dependency Injector, which itself really brought UF5 to a whole new level. You should really check out PHP-DI, it's awesome!

Basically, UF5 uses updated dependencies, all of existing code have been updated to new standard and new test coverage should provide better long term stability.

What UserFrosting 5 isn't ?

UF5 is not a drop-in replacement for UF4. The whole backend has been rewritten, with a new container, sprinkle system, etc. which will require most sprinkle to be updated manually.

UserFrosting 5 also offers the same frontend as UserFrosting 4. But the bases have been set for the future, with Webpack Encore and the current AdminLTE theme separated in it's own Sprinkle providing the necessary tools for Vue.js or other similar frontend.

Known bugs and missing features

While most features are ready at this point, some things are not:

  • [Core] Default seeds are not run automatically on Bake
  • [Core Sprinkle] CSRF service not reimplemented yet.
  • [Core Sprinkle] Clear cache bakery command is not implemented yet.
  • [Core & Admin Sprinkles] Sprunje pagination might not work properly.
  • [Admin Sprinkle] Enabling/Disabling using the dropdown a user is not enabled (requires CORS).
  • [Admin Sprinkle] Clear cache button doesn't work.
  • [AdminLTE Theme] Alert messages might not be properly displayed, for example when a login error should be shown
  • [Webpack Encore] Sprinkle entries needs to be manually copied in their parent sprinkle (Will require a custom plugin or contribution to Encore)
  • [General] Some test coverage still need to be added

What's next? When will it be stable? How can I help?

There's currently no ETA on the release date of the first stable version. For now, alpha released are planed, when necessary, until all features and code coverage are done. Once this is done, the first beta should be released and work will start on the documentation. Once this is also done, the first stable release should be released.

The best way to help is to contribute to the code and create pull requests. You can also help by testing the current release and signaling bugs by opening a new issue. Just make sure to reference V5!

Alternatively, you can contribute through our Open Collective or buying a coffee round.


01 Jul 02:24
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  • Fix for FindUniqueTest when class mappings are changed (#1201)
  • Allowing no default group on register (#1202)
  • Allow Composer plugin by default
  • Add PHP 8.1 version to test suite

Full Changelog: v4.6.4...v4.6.5


15 Feb 02:26
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  • Foreign Key constraint fails when an admin attempts to create a new user (#1190)
  • Fix for AccountControllerTest when registration is disabled (#1192)
  • Native install on PHP 8.* install fails due to eventdispatcher incompatibility between rockettheme and Symphony (#1195 & #1196)
  • Fix PHP7.4+ compatibility in Model findUnique (#1193)
  • Handle the case where all roles are removed from a user (#1194)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v4.6.3...v4.6.4


15 Dec 01:26
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  • Added placeholder URL for site.uri.public in configuration to guard against Host Header Injection attacks by default in production.

IMPORTANT : As of 4.6.3, site.uri.public must be explicitly set in your production configuration to avoid security issues. If not set, some links and emails will not work properly. See Going Live for more info.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v4.6.2...v4.6.3