If you are running ConnectedVCS Tools using a docker image, you can use the following instructions:
NOTE: Bing Maps is now deprecated and new users are no longer allowed to create API keys. We will be migrating to a different map provider and updating this documentation soon.
ConnectedVCS Tools has been developed using Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04. Further testing with other operating systems is needed before guidance is created. For the moment, please use Ubuntu 20.04 or later Ubuntu LTS Release.
Instructions for installing Docker may change, so please use the current instructions at the Docker website: https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/linux-install/.
- Clone the ConnectedVCS Tools respository:
git clone https://github.com/usdot-fhwa-stol/connectedvcs-tools.git
Note: Placeholder for map API key generation.
Enter a map API key and username in ISDcreator-webapp-keys and API key in application.properties.
Create a new Google Maps API Key using the Google Maps Platform.
- Please read the Google Maps API Key Guidance.
Enter your key to the end of the Geocomplete src link (indicated by "google.map.api.key") at the application.properties
Using SSL vs not using SSL:
- If using SSL certificates, you may look up instructions to generate a keystore and SSL certficiates with your certificate authority (CA) of choice. In this case, the Dockerfile will need to be updated to copy your applicable keystore information to the image. NOTE: Only the last two lines in the Dockerfile will need to be updated.
sudo docker build -t usdotfhwastol/connectedvcs-tools:<tag> --build-arg USE_SSL=true .
- If running the tool without certificates, the default Dockerfile may be used as is.
sudo docker build -t usdotfhwastol/connectedvcs-tools:<tag> --build-arg USE_SSL=false .
sudo docker run -d -p 443:443 usdotfhwastol/connectedvcs-tools:<tag>
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 usdotfhwastol/connectedvcs-tools:<tag>
- In your browser, navigate to:
- with SSL:
- without SSL: