- Install and Run Elastic Search locally:
- Clone this repository. Let
be the directory that clones this repository - Install the elasticsearch python package
sudo pip install elasticsearch
- Install the Sense extension of chrome:
Steps to load data into Elastic Search locally.
Create/have ready the dataset to be uploaded to ES
In the sense extension of chrome (or elastic search, if you have the Marvel plugin installed locally)
a. In the server field - http://localhost:9200/
b. Copy the contents of the file at the location -
into the editor area of sense and send request.
c. This will create an index named 'dig' with a document type 'WebPage' on your local machine with all the settings and mappings as we have on the Elastic Search ISI server.
3 . Load data into your elastic search server
a. Change directory to <DIG-ES>/types/webpage/scripts
b. Type python -h
. This will provide help for the script as below
usage: [-h] [-hostname HOSTNAME] [-port PORT]
[-mappingFilePath MAPPINGFILEPATH]
filepath indexname doctype dataFileType
positional arguments:
filepath json file to be loaded in ElasticSearch
indexname desired name of the index in ElasticSearch
doctype type of the document to be indexed
dataFileType Specify '0' if every line in the data file is
different json object or '1' otherwise
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hostname HOSTNAME Elastic Search Server hostname, defaults to 'localhost'
-port PORT Elastic Search Server port,defaults to 9200
-mappingFilePath MAPPINGFILEPATH mapping/setting file for the index
python $FilePath/100kWebPages.json dig WebPage
Please note that $FilePath is the path where the json file is stored locally, downloaded in step 1. 'dig' and 'WebPage' is the name of index and document type as created in the step 2. hostname and port default to 'localhost' and 9200 as required in this case but can be specified with the optional parameters.