The code generates a SNAP potential in LAMMPS format from the fitting of reference energies and/or atomic forces.
A. Lunghi, S. Sanvito, A unified picture of the covalent bond within quantumaccurate force fields: From organic molecules to metallic complexes’ reactivity. Sci. Adv. 5, eaaw2210 (2019)
The execution of the code with no command-line arguments prints out the available keywords. fitsnap.x
-inp <lammps_input_file_heading>
-datas <dataset_info_file>
-pot_fix <LAMMPS_potential_file>
-pot_fit <SNAP_potential_info_file>
-ener perform the fitting of reference energies
-force perform the fitting of reference energies
-skip_fit does not perform a fitting but simply test the potential
-compress <value of L2 norm constraint>
-E0 <it can be either 1 or 0. Use 1 if all the training geometries contain the same number of atoms/atomic kind and 0 in any other case.>
-refine <max new configurations> <MD temperature> <threshold for Gaussian metric>
<lammps_input_file_heading>: Input file necessary to initialize a LAMMPS simulation.
<dataset_info_file>: Contain the information about the training set used to fit SNAP.
Line1: $(N: number of lammps' data files)
Line2: $(name of data file 1) $(number of configurations) $(name of .xyz file containing all the geometries) $(if keyword -ener, name of .xyz file containing all the energies) $(if keyword -force, name of the file containing all the forces) $(weight)
Line3: $(name of data file 2) $(number of configurations) $(name of .xyz file containing all the geometries) $(if keyword -ener, name of .xyz file containing all the energies) $(if keyword -force, name of the file containing all the forces) $(weight)
...For each LAMMPS data file
The energies file should contain 1 column of numbers
The structures file should contain a list of geometries in the xyz format
The forces file should contain a list of forces in the xyz format but without the atomic labels column.
<LAMMPS_potential_file>: Input file to set up a potantial in LAMMPS, including the SNAP potential that needs to be determined.
<SNAP_potential_info_file>: File containing all the information on the SNAP potential to be determined.
Line1: $(Radial Cutoff), $(Order of the bispectrum component 2J), $(Number of bispectrum components for the selected order), 0
Line2: $(Number of atomic kinds)
Line3: $(Label atomic kind 1) 1 $(element radius) $(weight) $(sigma gaussian metric)
Line4: $(Label atomic kind 3) 2 $(element radius) $(weight) $(sigma gaussian metric)
Line5: $(Label atomic kind 3) 3 $(element radius) $(weight) $(sigma gaussian metric)
...For each atomic kind
Generation of SNAP potential for Water using 100 configurations and energies.
The SNAP potential is constructed for the Oxygen and Hydrogen atomic kinds using a bispectrum order of 2J=8 (56 parameters per kind).
Command: "fitsnap.x -inp lammps_inp -datas data_file -pot_fix pot.fix -pot_fit -ener"
units real
atom_style atomic
pair_style snap
data.Water 100 Water.ener 1.0
pair_coeff * * snapcoeff O H snapparam O H
3.1000 8 56 0
O 1 0.5 1.0 1.0
H 2 0.5 1.0 1.0