A Universal Simon game written in Angular 2.
It runs on the web browser, on Arduino and also on the Raspberry PI using angular2-iot.
➡ Learn how to works and how you can build your own version
npm install
npm start
Then go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Connect 4 push-buttons, one button between each of pins GPIO-13, GPIO-26, GPIO-16, GPIO-21 and the ground
- Connect 4 colored LEDs, one LED between each of pins GPIO-6, GPIO-19, GPIO-12, GPIO-20 and the ground. It is also recommended to add a 100ohm current limiting resistor in series with each LED.
- Connect a speaker to the Raspberry PI audio jack
- Optionally, connect a Serial 7-Segment Display to the I2C pins of the Raspberry Pi: connect GPIO-2 to SDL and GPIO-3 to SCL
Run the following command on the Raspberry pi terminal / console:
- Make sure you have the
packages installed:sudo apt-get install sox mpg123
- Build the project using
npm run build:iot
- Run it using
sudo npm run iot
- Connect 4 push-buttons, one button between each of Arduino pins 2, 3, 4, 5 and the ground
- Connect 4 colored LEDs, one LED between each of Arduino pins 9, 10, 11, 12 and a current limiting resistor connected to the ground. 220ohm is a good value for the resistor.
- Optionally, connect a small speaker between pin 8 and the ground
- Connect the Arduino board to your computer
- Upload the StandardFirmata firmware firmware to your Arduino board
- Build the project using
npm run build:iot
- Run it using
npm run iot