storage for all interesting links gathered to read
- meta-stuff
- reflect
- metajson- not intrusive
- spotify-json
- nlohmann
- nlohmann std_json
- quicktype-json parser from json
- json schema
- NamedType
- A header-only C++ parsing framework, any format
- windows registry
- fmt
- Data structures and algorithms problems in C++ using STL
- A cheatsheet of modern C++ language and library features
- Runtime polymorphism done right
- brakepad
- bugsplat
- QT + google analitcs
- QT + google analitcs
- QT + google analitcs
- A service for automated crash-dump analysis
- CI helloworld
- Include What You See
- VCPKG - VS build system
- awsome cmake
- Squirrel- update mechanism for app
- Updater omaha
- Export a Command Line cURL Command to an Executable
- vs code
- sqlite3-extras
- whatstyle - get fomater config from codebase(astyle clang-fromat etc)
- gitflow-avh
- pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- Abseil, a new common libraries project
- boost.UI
- forward-to-member
- inja
- How To Stay Sane with Modern C++
- ksinica
- zipfs
- mp3fs
- Effective Python
- Windows Hypervisor Platform
- CppCoreGuidelines