Stephen Hall, Computer Science and Engineering Librarian: https://www.library.upenn.edu/staff/stephen-hall
Cynthia Heider, Public Digital Scholarship Librarian: https://www.library.upenn.edu/staff/cynthia-heider
"Open Colab"
Sign in with your Google account
"Open Notebook" pop-up: GitHub tab
Enter https://github.com/upenndigitalscholarship/py-librarians.git
- JupyterLab at https://upenndigitalscholarship.github.io/pug-penn/ (might not work in Safari)
Slides: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFo5rM6FyM/AhQoXoh1_3NfCcIo8ozfog/view?utm_content=DAFo5rM6FyM
Example scripts for librarians
Dataquest premium membership (1 year) through Penn Libraries partnership. Sign up here: https://guides.library.upenn.edu/Python
Library Juice Academy "Python for Librarians" 4 week course (runs April and September 2024): https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/shop/course/270-python-for-librarians/
Library Carpentries frequently offers Python workshops targeted to the needs of librarians: https://carpentries.org/
- A series of lessons you can work through on your own following Carpentries standards: https://librarycarpentry.org/lc-python-intro/
Text Analysis Pedagogy Institute courses: https://www.ithaka.org/constellate/text-analysis-pedagogy-institute/
Python for Non-Programmers LinkedIn Learning course: https://franklin.library.upenn.edu/catalog/FRANKLIN_9978562531003681
"Python for Librarians" session led by Scott Bailey, Digital Research and Scholarship Librarian at NC State University in 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p93jT6na-kY
"Librarians' Code: Natural Language Processing in Python" workshop led by Scott Bailey, Digital Research and Scholarship Librarian at NC State University in 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDt9sl2F7gw
"Programming for Librarians" Jupyter notebook from the University of Oslo: https://scriptotek.github.io/programming-for-librarians/README.html
"Coding for Librarians: Learning by Example"
Report: https://journals.ala.org/index.php/ltr/article/view/5671/7033
Companion Website: https://thatandromeda.github.io/ltr/
PyMARC is a library of tools for working with MARC21 records: https://gitlab.com/pymarc
Beautiful Soup is a library of tools to help you quickly pull data out of HTML and XML files: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python: https://matplotlib.org/
Pandoc makes it easy to convert documents from one format to another: https://boisgera.github.io/pandoc/