convert and use your keras trained model in c/c++ project in the easist way. Multithreaded implementation for faster execution. Tested on visual studio vc++, but can be used with any other compiler.
Step 1: Convert Your Keras Model into text files
Step 2: Include Keras.h and Keras.cpp files into your project
Step 3: Read or convert your image into keras format
Step 4: call ExecuteKerasSegmentation
Step 5: save result
For step 1:
1a - Load your keras model
2a - Save your keras model into two text files
save_keras_model_as_text(model, open('modeltext.txt', 'w') ) save_keras_model_as_text(model, open('modellayersonlytext.txt', 'w') , noweight=True)
Step 2: #include "Keras.h"
Step 3: Open an image into keras format or convert your image into keras format
int w,h; int *img = open_image_ppm("img1.ppm", w,h);
Step 4:
char *modelfile ="modellayersonlytext.txt";
char *weightfile="modeltext.txt";
int *result = ExecuteKerasSegmentation(img, h, w, 3, modelfile, weightfile);
Step 5: Save or Use your result. save_image_pgm("segmentation_map.pgm",result,h,w,127);