Holding Ideas (o "hi") is my ultra-simple ToDoList for console. Write in python 3.x, the main goal is erase from my head all tasks to do and wotk about other things.
- Download the master branch.
- Unzip files into a folder (your working folder).
- The main script is "hi.py". You can launch the program with "python hi.py [+arg]"
- Python 3.x or more
Reboot (or start) your tasks files:
> python hi.py init
Add a task (argument = "+"):
> python hi.py + this is my first task for @me #test <27/10/17>
List the current task (argument "ls" This is the most important thing! in program):
> python hi.py ls
check a task due with argument "ok":
> python hi.py ok personal 1
un-check a task with argument "N":
> python hi.py N personal 1
archive a task with argument "-":
> python hi.py - personal 1
- "mybrain.txt" contains the current task
- "myarchive.txt" contains the archive of all old task.
- hi.py and funcions.py are code of program in python.
In linux, add this in your ~/.bashrc file:
> alias hi = python hi.py
In windows powershell, add this in your profile:
> function hi {python hi.py $args}
Now it's possible to do:
> hi ls
- '@' for persons.
- '#' for subject/group.
- '<>' for date.
First argument:
- '+' for add task.
- '-' for archive task.
- 'ok' for check.
- 'N' for un-check.
- 'ls' for list all current task.
- 'init' for reboot your tasks files.