This is the server-side code in charge of processing Debian packages built by Travis from GitHub pull requests.
We use aptly to add and publish packages, before serving them through the usual Apache setup.
Right now the exposed repository is not signed, so your sources.list should look like this:
deb [trusted=yes] <PR-branch> main non-free
Here's a full example, for a branch named NGFW-12345-my-fix
echo 'deb [trusted=yes] NGFW-12345-my-fix main non-free' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/NGFW-12345-my-fix.list
apt update
apt install [...]
This code is checked out under /srv/ngfw_dev-repository
A symlink is used to expose the repository via Apache:
ln -sf /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/www /var/www/dev
Travis uploads as buildbot
chown buildbot /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/incoming/buster
Two solutions are provided.
Processing incoming packages is deployed on package-server
via the
docker-compose setup:
docker-compose -f /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/docker-compose.yml up -d repository_buster
docker-compose -f /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/docker-compose.yml up -d repository_bullseye
Alternatively, it can also be started with the
systemd service:
ln -sf /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/ngfw-dev-repository.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now ngfw-dev-repository
docker-compose -f /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/docker-compose.yml logs -t -f repository_buster
docker-compose -f /srv/ngfw_dev-repository/docker-compose.yml logs -t -f repository_bullseye
journalctl -f -u ngfw-dev-repository