UbiAccess server is a highly-extensible, open-source Node.js framework with MVC pattern. It enables you to create dynamic end-to-end REST APIs for web front-end and mobile app with little or zero coding in less than 30 seconds. Relational database such as MySQL and Oracle can be accessed with only a few steps.
UbiAccess server exploits benefits of Node.js especially for application framework running on cloud. Web developers can use one language and technology for both front-end and back-end development. Mobile developers can also access to this framework with its outstanding performance and without the concerns of concurrency and heavy CPU processing.
MVC pattern is prevalent in providing web service. Many Spring developers are good at coding with MVC pattern. UbiAccess server is designed using MVC pattern and any developers accustomed to MVC can make server modules for web and mobile clients quickly.
UbiAccess provides an ideal integration framework for web developers and mobile developers. Leveraging the power of Node.js and high-level database abstractions, UbiAccess can connect together. There is so much to be connected together including inbound and outbound sockets and HTTP requests and responses in this framework.
With its simple configuration, UbiAccess server has been crafted with ease of use in mind. Real world web application or application module for mobile apps can be made quickly. For example, tiny application server functions can be made in 1 or 2 days.
REST API is ready to use and JSON nature of UbiAccess server will make you feel comfortable in developing client apps which connect to this framework. Web developers can use Ajax to connect to this framework and Web Socket is also covered using socket.io library.
Relational database such as MySQL and Oracle can be accessed with MVC pattern. UbiAccess Server has several utility functions to handle database query and this makes it simple and powerful. You can extend DAO functions as you want to address requirements of your project.
If you want to make LBS(Location Based Service) applied web service or mobile app, you are able to use spatial databases in existing databases such as MySQL(or MariaDB) or MongoDB. UbiAccess Server shows how to use MySQL and MongoDB as spatial database to make LBS service. There are also extended examples and documentation for medical domain. Mobile EHR or Fhir standard can be extended on this server.
Open sourced to the world under MIT License. Get involved. Submit an issue/bug on Github.
Clone or download this server package using [Clone or download > Download ZIP] menu.
Unzip the downloaded zip file (ubiaccess_server-master.zip), rename it to 'ubiaccess_server' and execute install command using npm after changing directory to it.
Shell commands are as follows.
Node.js 8.9.x LTS is recommended for long-term support from Node.js team.
cd ubiaccess_server
npm install
[Optional] If you want to connect to Oracle database, instant client is needed to be installed first. Refer to the following site.
Oracle Instant Client Download
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable is required to install Oracle Instant Client on Windows machines.
Installed location needs to be added to [Path] system variable if you are using Windows OS.
[Optional] If you want to connect to SQLite database, runtime files are needed to be installed first. Refer to the following site.
Installed location needs to be added to [Path] system variable if you are using Windows OS.
Starting the server
Run node command to get the server started.
node app.js
Adding your own controller
Now that we started the server, it’s time to add our own controller.
Let’s add a simple ‘Hello world!’ controller as follows:
Create a new file in /controller called hello.js.
Paste the following contents into the file:
let util = require('../util/util'); let thisModule = {}; thisModule.hello = (req, res) => { util.sendHtml(res, 'Hello world!'); }; module.exports = thisModule;
Update /config/controller_config.js to add the controller:
let thisModule = [
{id:'1', file:'hello', path:'/examples/hello', method:'hello',
type:'get', upload:''},
Restart the server using ‘npm start’ or ‘node app.js’
If your server is still running,press CTRL+C to stop it before restarting it.
Visit in a web browser to see ‘Hello world!’
- Create hello.html file in public folder
Codes in body tag are as follows.
<h1>Hello example</h1>
<input type="button" value="Request" onclick="request()" >
<div id="output"></div>
The web page shows a button. If you click the button, request method is called.
- Send request using axios
Request method needs to be defined in <script> tag.
Axios library is used to make a request. Axios request is simple enough to put only several parameters such as request method, url and requestType.
function request() {
}).then(function (response) {
console.log('Response -> ' + JSON.stringify(response));
if (response.status == 200) {
}).catch(function (error) {
println('Error -> ' + JSON.stringify(error));
You can see response if response.status is 200. JQuery and Axios library need to be loaded before used.
<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"
<!-- Axios -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/axios/dist/axios.min.js">
- Open web page in browser and click [Request] button
You can see response data
Create a new file in /controller called params.js.
Paste the following contents into the file.
let util = require('../util/util');
let logger = require('../logger');
var thisModule = {};
thisModule.params = (req, res) => {
logger.debug('params:params controller called.');
const params = req.query;
logger.debug('PARAMS -> ' + JSON.stringify(params));
util.sendHtml(res, 'PARAMS -> ' + JSON.stringify(params));
module.exports = thisModule;
- Update /config/controller_config.js to add the controller:
let thisModule = [
{id:'2', file:'params', path:'/examples/params', method:'params',
type:'get', upload:''},
Restart the server using ‘node app.js’
Visit in a web browser to see parameter passed to the server.
- Create a file called params.html in public folder and make a request using axios
function request() {
var id = $('#idInput').val();
params: {
id: id
}).then(function (response) {
console.log('Response -> ' + JSON.stringify(response));
if (response.status == 200) {
}).catch(function (error) {
println('Error -> ' + JSON.stringify(error));
If a user enters id in input box and click request button, a request can be made using the entered value.
- Visit http://localhost:3000/public/params.html in a web browser and click the request button.
Create a new file in /controller called json.js.
Paste the following contents into the file.
let util = require('../util/util');
let logger = require('../logger');
let thisModule = {};
thisModule.json = (req, res) => {
logger.debug('json:json controller called.');
let params = req.body;
logger.debug('PARAMS -> ' + JSON.stringify(params));
util.sendJson(res, params.requestCode, 200, 'success',
'string', 'PARAMS -> ' + JSON.stringify(params));
module.exports = thisModule;
- Update /config/controller_config.js to add the controller:
let thisModule = [
{id:'3', file:'json', path:'/examples/json', method:'json',
type:'post', upload:''},
- Create a file called params.html in public folder and make a request using axios
request method is set to post and responseType is set to json
parameters for post method are added using data property.
response will be a JSON object.
function request() {
var id = $('#idInput').val();
data: {
requestCode: 101,
id: id
}).then(function (response) {
console.log('Response -> ' + JSON.stringify(response));
if (response.status == 200) {
println('requestCode : ' + response.data.requestCode);
println('code : ' + response.data.code + ',message : ' +
println('resultType : ' + response.data.resultType);
println('result : ' + response.data.result);
}).catch(function (error) {
println('Error -> ' + JSON.stringify(error));
- Visit http://localhost:3000/public/json.html in a web browser and click the request button.
- Log files are created in log folder and the daily rotated file name is server.
logger.js file is in root folder and you can configure logging in it.
You can change the name of log file and log level in the logger.js
MySQL database is used for storing request parameters and responses.
You need to install MySQL and connection parameters are set in the config/config.js file.
Change host, port, user and password properties according to your database configuration.
db_stat: {
type : 'mysql',
connectionLimit : 10,
host : '',
port : 3306,
user : 'root',
password : 'admin',
database : 'ubiaccess',
debug : false
Relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle and SQLite are supported.
In this section, we will make a controller and DAO functions to read and update database records.
- Load world database
You need to load world database which contains information on many nations.
- Add database connection information
If you confirmed that world database is loaded in your MySQL database, add database connection information in the config/config.js file as follows.
module.exports = {
db: [
name : 'database_mysql',
type : 'mysql',
connectionLimit : 10,
host : '',
port : 3306,
user : 'root',
password : 'admin',
database : 'world',
debug : false,
stat_database : 'ubiaccess'
connection parameters such as host, port, user and password can be different according to your database configuration
- Create a DAO file
Create a world.js file in database folder.
DAO file has functions to manipulate database query and update.
let thisModule = {};
let logger = require('../logger');
let sql = {
'select \
name, continent, population, GNP \
from world.country \
where \
name = ?'
thisModule.readCountry = (pool, data, callback) => {
logger.debug('world.readCountry DAO called.');
pool.execute(pool, sql.readCountry, data, callback);
module.exports = thisModule;
world.js is a module and readCountry function is added to the module.exports.
A SQL statement is defined in the sql variable and you can use it in the readCountry function.
The readCountry SQL has one parameter you can pass it to query name, continent, population and GNP columns from world.country table.
- Register the DAO file in database_config.js
Once a DAO file created, it needs to be registered in config/database_config.js file.
module.exports = [
{id:'1', database_index:0, name:'world', file:'world'}
information on the DAO file is added to the array.
database_index : index of the database connection information in db array in config.js.
- Create a controller file
Create a world.js file in databasefolder.
A controller has routing functions to handle client requests
if the client request has POST method,request parameters are in req.body property.
thisModule.readCountry = (req, res) => {
logger.debug('world:readCountry controller called.');
var params = req.body;
logger.debug('PARAMS -> ' + JSON.stringify(params));
You can use query method to use DAO method defined in the world.js DAO file.
query method call the DAO method and send response to the client according to the query result.
You only need to pass input parameters and several parameters in the values variable.
let input = [params.name];
let values = {
input: input,
params: params,
database_type: 'mysql',
database_name: 'database_mysql',
database_file: 'world',
database_module: 'readCountry',
req: req,
res: res
- Register the controller function
A controller created for a client request needs to be registered in controller_config.js file.
{id:'4', file:'world', path:'/examples/readCountry', method:'readCountry',
type:'post', upload:''},
- Create world.html file in public folder
Client request function called getCountry can be created in a web page called world.html.
function readCountry() {
var name = $('#nameInput').val();
data: {
requestCode: 101,
name: name
}).then(function (response) {
- Restart the server and open world.html page
If you click readCountry button, JSON response containing database query result is printed.
You can use utility functions in DAO file.
In case you need to map columns in query results to response properties, you only need to pass additional mapper variable.
- Create a readCountry2 function in /controller/world.js file.
Just copy readCountry function and change name of the function.
Add mapper variable.
The name column will be mapped to name property in response and GNP column to GNP perperty.
let mapper = {
name: 'name',
- Add the mapper variable to the values variable
let values = {
input: input,
mapper: mapper,
params: params,
database_type: 'mysql',
database_name: 'database_mysql',
database_file: 'world',
database_module: 'readCountry',
req: req,
res: res
- Register readCountry2 controller function in config/controller_config.js
{id:'5', file:'world', path:'/examples/readCountry2', method:'readCountry2', type:'post', upload:''},
- Open world.html file and click readCountry2 button
Only name and GNP columns are printed. Those columns are mapped incontroller.
In case you need to handle the query results directly, you can make it return query result.
- Create a readCountry3 function in /controller/world.js file.
Just copy readCountry function and change name of the function.
Add result flag to the values variable.
let values = {
input: input,
result: true,
params: params,
database_type: 'mysql',
database_name: 'database_mysql',
database_file: 'world',
database_module: 'readCountry',
req: req,
res: res
- Add callback parameter in calling query function
util.query(values, (output) => {
if (output && output.length > 0) {
output[0].added = 'added value for test';
util.sendJson(res, params.requestCode, 200,
values.database_file + ':' + values.database_module +
' success', 'list', output);
- Register readCountry3 controller function in config/controller_config.js
{id:'6', file:'world', path:'/examples/readCountry3', method:'readCountry3', type:'post', upload:''},
- Open world.html file and click readCountry3 button
added property is added in the controller.
Add updateCountry DAO function in database/world.js file.
Add updateCountry controller function in controller/world.js file.
Register updateCountry controller function in config/controller_config.js
Open world.html file and click updateCountry button.
See examples for more information.
Add updateCountry2 controller function in controller/world.jsfile.
Register updateCountry2 controller function in config/controller_config.js
Open world.html file and click updateCountry2 button.
See examples for more information.
- Load emp table to Oracle database.
- Add database connection information to config/config.js file.
- Create employee.js file in database folder and add getEmployee DAO function.
- Register it to the config/database_config.js file.
- Create employee.js file in controller folder.
- Add getEmployee function in employee.js file.
- Register getEmployee function in config/controller_config.js
- Open employee.html file and click getEmployee button.
- See examples for more information.
- Add updateEmployee employee.js function incontroller/employee.js file.
- Register updateEmployee function in config/controller_config.js
- Open employee.html file and click updateEmployee button.
- See examples for more information.
- Create controller/file.js file and add uploadFile function.
- Register uploadFile controller in config/controller_config.js.
- Create database/memo.js file to execute SQL for inserting a record into test.memotable.
- Register memo DAO file in config/database_config.js
- Create controller/memo.js file and add insertMemo function
- Register insertMemo controller in config/controller_config.js
- Open memo.html and enter texts and select an image file before clicking save button.
- See examples for more information.
Requests from android apps are also simple.
See example android apps using Volley and Gson.
- There are additional examples and documentation for this server.
Mobile App examples and documentation
Socket.IO, RPC examples and documentation
LBS(Location Based Service) examples and documentation
Medical(EHR) examples and documentation
- For more information, please feel free to ask.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license.
This package was created by Mike and members of U&S Networks Inc. but hopefully developed and maintained by many others.
You can also sponsor the project, get your logo in here and some other perks with tons of ♥