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Camilo Sperberg edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 9 revisions

You are free to do so, just send a pull request if you want to improve something. (Hint: take a look at the open issues!) Try to respect the PSR-12 styling guide.


  • Clone this repo (or your fork)

  • Ensure you have installed Docker CE and Docker compose

  • Execute:

docker-compose up -d
cp examples/conf.php.sample examples/conf.php
# Don't forget to adjust values in your newly created examples/conf.php
  • To unit test:
  • To unit test with code coverage, create a phpunit.xml (from the provided phpunit.xml.dist) and uncomment the logging options, then execute the following:

Please note that running the unit tests with code coverage is a very slow process!

  • That's all folks!
Clone this wiki locally