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Emit message to kafka and wait while nestjs process it

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Emit message to kafka and wait while nestjs process it.

How it works

Create helper utils for end to end test:

  • emitMessage - function to emit message to kafka
  • AwaitableEmitInterceptor - nestjs global interceptor (required for emitMessage)
  • dispose - function to run on test tear down stage


  1. Create helper objects
const { emitMessage, AwaitableEmitInterceptor, dispose } = createAwaitableEmit(options)`
  1. Add interceptor to nestjs app
app.useGlobalInterceptors(new AwaitableEmitInterceptor());
  1. Use emitMessage in test
  2. Run dispose in 'after all' stage


getKafkaClient: () => ClientKafka Factory function which returns kafka client instance
wait?: number Wait time in milliseconds (if controller cannot handle message in this time, promise will be resolved)
brokers?: string[] Kafka brokers, this is optional and uses kafka admin under the hood - waits when all consumners groups will have no lag (this may or may not be useful for parallel running tests)


export class AppController {
  constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}

  async handleEntityCreated(@Payload() payload: object) {
    console.log('user created', payload);
    await setTimeout(2000); // Imitate long running process
describe('AppController (e2e)', () => {
  let app: INestMicroservice;
  let clientKafka: ClientKafka;
  let service: AppService;

  const { emitMessage, AwaitableEmitInterceptor, dispose } =
      getKafkaClient: () => clientKafka,

  // Before all
  before(async () => {
    const providers: Provider[] = [
        provide: 'KAFKA_CLIENT',
        useFactory: () => {
          return ClientProxyFactory.create({
            transport: Transport.KAFKA,
            options: {
              client: {
                clientId: 'KAFKA_CLIENT',
                brokers: [''],
    const testingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
      imports: [AppModule],

    app = testingModule.createNestMicroservice({
      transport: Transport.KAFKA,
      options: {
        client: {
          clientId: 'KAFKA_CLIENT',
          brokers: [''],

    app.useGlobalInterceptors(new AwaitableEmitInterceptor());

    await app.init();
    await app.listen();

    clientKafka = app.get<ClientKafka>('KAFKA_CLIENT');
    service = app.get(AppService);

  // After all
  after(async () => {
    await dispose();
    await clientKafka?.close();
    await app?.close();

  it('smoke', () => {

  it('test emit message', async () => {
    await emitMessage('user-created', {
      value: { name: 'Bob' },
    expect({ name: 'Bob' });