Hi there!
Features & changes:
- Introduce Webpack to bundle JavaScript
- Write ES2015 and use Babel to transpile to ES5
- Add basic dependency graphs to HTML and CSS tasks to allow for selective rebuilds
- Add SVG sprite capability
- Bump Node to 6, update dependencies
- Most probably
We're terribly sorry, but some of the changes may be slightly backwards incompatible.
- ESTATICO-153: JSCS code style check has been added to js:lint gulp task.
- [Pull request #5](https://github .com//pull/5): A built-in comparison function for media queries in JavaScript (courtesy of @d-simon).
- ESTATICO-103: Modules can now have variants - different implementations of modules, based on same Handlebars markup, but different sets of data. Module preview page is now able to preview all variants.
- ESTATICO-30: Magic colorful console logging (as proposed by @d-simon in Pull request #3), based on Bows.
- ESTATICO-42: Added scaffold:copy task to copy demo module to source folder structure.
- ESTATICO-180: Added scaffold:rename task for renaming modules.
- ESTATICO-102: Stylish code highlighting in module markdown docs.
- ESTATICO-191: Highlighting modules when pressing CTRL+M in a browser.
- ESTATICO-192: Highlighting elements with aria attributes when pressing CTRL+A in a browser.
- ESTATICO-54: Asynchronous font loading with base64 encoding and localStorage caching (inspired by localFont).
- ESTATICO-201: New subtle styling of preview and index pages
- ESTATICO-69: media:imageversions gulp task to automatically generate different size versions of your placeholder cat images.
- ESTATICO-187: npm is used instead of bower
- ESTATICO-181: gulp-sass and node-sass have been updated to the latest versions, which are still able to work with sorcemaps (gulp-sass -> 2.0.3, node-sass -> 3.3.3)
- ESTATICO-186: QUnit updated to version 1.20.0
- ESTATICO-178: JQuery updated to version 2.1.3
- ESTATICO-178: native JavaScript methods are used instead of jQuery ones (e.g. bind instead of proxy)
- sourcemaps are now generated after livereload
- ESTATICO-196: Moved colors.scss to the top of main.scss, so that colors can be used in globals/variables.scss file
- [Pull request #6](https://github .com//pull/6): Wrong variable names have been corrected in mq mixin (thanks to @matthiasmeier)
- ESTATICO-4: Scaffolding task used to generate javascript file even if user said NO explicitly. As a special Christmas gift it doesn't do it anymore.
- ESTATICO-202: Moved styles from body to html to allow for rem sizing
- ESTATICO-177: Update gulp-raster to fix issue on Windows
- FROBOIL-155: Fix QUnit path handling to work on Windows
- FROBOIL-155: Fix npm script paths to work on Windows
- Improve documentation
- FROBOIL-49: Optimize JavaScript architecture and data/options handling
- FROBOIL-114: Improve testing of Gulp task
- FROBOIL-150: Make color import task more generic
- FROBOIL-152: Run "bower install" as npm postinstall
- FROBOIL-153: Make paths in built HTML relative
- FROBOIL-140: Move content of ci/ to Teamcity configuration
- FROBOIL-144: Fix handlebars layouts registering
- FROBOIL-145: Make globs more explicit to fix file watcher issue on Windows
- FROBOIL-147: Fix cmd arguments of some tasks
- FROBOIL-137: Add data mocking example and documentation
- Update node to 0.12.2
- Bump npm dependencies to latest versions
- FROBOIL-137: Improve code documentation highlighting
- FROBOIL-139: gulp:dataurls: Remove ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick
- FROBOIL-142: setup.sh: Only install npm 2.7.6 if current version is lower
- FROBOIL-143: media:dataurls: Use 'primary' instead of 'default' as color default
- FROBOIL-62: Improve data handling: ** Use JavaScript to define data and remove logic from templates and templating task ** Add html:migrate task to transform *.json files into *.data.js ** Add interactive scaffold and scaffold:delete tasks to add/delete modules, pages and demos
- FROBOIL-22: Use LibSass over Ruby version
- FROBOIL-51: Add sourcemaps (both minified and unminified assets)
- FROBOIL-117: Add module documenation using Markdown
- FROBOIL-130: Make default task interactive
- FROBOIL-116: Optimize path handling in tasks
- FROBOIL-57: Make build script work on Teamcity
- FROBOIL-11: Add Vagrant configuration
- FROBOIL-90: Move demo pages and modules to source/demo, add folder for each page
- FROBOIL-129: Rename default tasks (remove :default suffix)
- FROBOIL-124: Rename jenkins to ci
- FROBOIL-125: Rename source/styleguide to source/preview (and source/styleguide/sections to source/preview/styleguide)
- FROBOIL-62: Rename styleguide data property to meta and move testScripts there
- FROBOIL-126; media:dataurls: Move icon data transformation from plugin to task
- FROBOIL-77: Update npm dependencies and npm itself
- FROBOIL-127: Handlebars: Use existing plugins over custom one (gulp-hb for compiling and gulp-handlebars for precompiling)
- FROBOIL-23: Move private npm dependencies to GitHub (gulp-svg-dimensions and gulp-colorize-svgs)
- FROBOIL-128: Improve setup.sh: Simplify use of nvm, disable cloning of empty git repo, bump npm to 2.7.6
- FROBOIL-100: Fix Jenkins build script to use local credential store file
- FROBOIL-123: JSHint: Add globals used in Gulp tasks
- FROBOIL-27: js:modernizr: Use official npm package, remove unnecessary uglify step
- FROBOIL-120: Improve task loading performance
- FROBOIL-132: Fix watch task to work with new modules/pages
- FROBOIL-133: Improve js:lodash task to be idempotent
- FROBOIL-134: Fix QUnit tests on Windows
- FROBOIL-11: Vagrant setup finalized and documented
- FROBOIL-91: Index: Add feature option for modules / pages
- FROBOIL-92: Add setup script
- FROBOIL-76: Bower: Use --config.interactive=false
- FROBOIL-94: Media tasks: Make them work in case there are no input files
- FROBOIL-20: Re-add skiplinks
- FROBOIL-31: Guidelines: Mention selector namespacing (or lack thereof)
- FROBOIL-38: Add QUnit tests
- FROBOIL-39: JS: Insert license from LICENCE.txt into generated main.js
- FROBOIL-46: Gulp: Add routing for delaying requests (add
to any URL to delay the response by 2s) - FROBOIL-52: Styleguide: Improve index page
- FROBOIL-65: Handlebars: Improve performance
- FROBOIL-70: Gulp: Add --nobuild flag to default task
- FROBOIL-72: Gulp: Media task: copy changed files only
- FROBOIL-73: Gulp: Show stack trace in case of errors
- FROBOIL-74: Handlebars: Add 'times' helper, improve error handling
- Push metadata.json to git build-* branch
- FROBOIL-37: Modernizr: Remove comments for every property from generated JS
- FROBOIL-45: Gulp: Module scaffolding task: Use different text cases where indicated
- FROBOIL-47: Handlebars: Save precompiled templates to Handlebars.partials
- FROBOIL-56: Handlebars: Fix pre-compiled partials paths on Windows
- FROBOIL-64: Bower: Handle packages including ".js" in the folder name
- FROBOIL-67: Gulp: Watch tmp and media files
- FROBOIL-68: NPM: Fix Git dependencies
- FROBOIL-71: Gulp: Fix callbacks in multi-step tasks
- FROBOIL-75: Gulp: Module scaffolding task: Throw error if module with same name exists
- FROBOIL-44: Media queries not working in IE (css content property not readable)
- npm-shrinkwrap.json updated
- Templating with Handlebars. Data stored in JSON files, smart inheritance of data from modules to pages. Precompiling step for use of partials in JavaScript.
- Tasks to generate base64 encoded dataurls of SVGs (with PNG fallback), icon fonts and PNG sprites.
- Basic styleguide included out-of-the-box. Colors imported from ColorSchemer export and used in SCSS, too.
- Scaffolding task for new modules.
- Errors as native system notifications, develop server still running.
- Linting of JavaScript code on every save.