Install, enable and configure the tuned adaptive system tuning daemon found in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
: Class to install and enable tuned
Install and enable tuned with the ''default'' profile :
include '::tuned'
Install and enable tuned with the ''virtual-host'' profile :
class { '::tuned': profile => 'virtual-host' }
Check the output of tuned-adm list
to see the available profiles on your
Install and enable tuned with a custom profile, contained in another module :
class { '::tuned':
profile => 'my-super-tweaks',
source => 'puppet:///modules/mymodule/tuned-profiles/my-super-tweaks',
The above expects
and may
include additional scripts next to tuned.conf
Install and enable tuned with a custom profile :
class { '::tuned':
profile => 'my-super-tweaks',
settings => {
'main' => {
'include' => 'virtual-guest',
'sysctl' => {
'vm.dirty_ratio' => '30',
'vm.swappiness' => '30',
To completely stop, disable and remove tuned :
class { '::tuned': ensure => 'absent' }