Create a custom language with specialized syntax and with custom libraries in minutes. Automatically creates an editor with code-running abilities, compiling with Python.
Download the latest version of the file in the app folder of this repository. Unzip the application, and open it.
In the terminal, write:
$ git clone
and unzip and open the file in the app folder.
Answer the questions in the application to create your own custom language. Create a standard library for you, written in your language or in Python. If spaces are desired after declarations (int[ ]i = 0;), add spaces to your answers(int[ ]). Once the language is constructed, the IDE can be accessed in the newly-created folder titled Compile_LanguageName. Double-click the launch.command file, or write into your terminal:
$ ./Users/user/Desktop/Compile_LanguageName/launch.command
Refer to this guide if you are unsure of what any as to what the questions intend.
Term | Definition |
Name of Language: | The name of your language to create. |
Variable Integer: | The keyword to declare an integer: [int ] |
Variable String: | The keyword to declare a string: [str ] |
Variable Float: | The keyword to declare a floating point (decimal): [float ] |
Variable Array: | The keyword to declare an array or list: [list ] |
Variable Dictionary: | The keyword to declare a dictionary: [dict ] |
Function Declaration: | The keyword to declare a function: [def ] |
Class Declaration: | The keyword to declare a function: [class ] |
Line Ending: | The character to declare an end of a line: [;] |
Setting of Variable: | An example of setting an integer, string, or float: [int i = 0;] |
Array or Dictionary Parser: | The character used to seperate list or dictionary items when initializing them: [,] |
Parameter Parser: | The character used to seperate parameter items: [,] |
Setting of Variable Array and Dictionary: | An example of setting a dictionary or list: [list i = (0, 0);, dict i = {0:0, 0:0}] |
Setting of Function: | An example of declaring a function: [list i = (0, 0);, dict i = {0:0, 0:0}] |
Dictionary Value Declaration Character: | The character to set the value of any dictionary key: [:] |
Index Closings and Openings: | The character to declare the start and end of an index of a dictionary or list: [], [] |
Parameter Closings and Openings: | The character to declare the start and end of a parameter input: [), (] |
Container Closings and Openings: | The character to declare the start and end of a loop, function, or class: [}, {] |
Inheritance Closings and Openings: | The character to declare the start and end of an inheritance statement: [), (] |
Index Splice: | The character to declare a splicing when indexing: [:] |
Return: | The function to return a variable in an outer function: [return] |
Comments: | The character to declare a comment: [#] |
Logical Operators: | The conditional statements: [===, ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, &&, |
Expressions: | The mathematical operators: [+, -, /, *, **, %] |
Self Expressions: | The mathematical operators on a variable: [+=, -=, /=, *=] |
Break Statement: | The break statement: [break] |
Continue Statement: | The restart statement: [continue] |
Property Keyword: | The keyword to declare private variables: [this] |
Variable and Function Access Characters: | The character to access private variables and to call private functions: [.] |
Call Keywords: | The keywords to call classes and functions: [new] |
Initialization and Destruction Functions: | The class functions to call when the class is initialized or destroyed: [init, del] |
Import Prefix: | The import function: [import] |
Pass Statement: | The pass statement: [pass] |
Global Variable Declaration Keyword: | The keyword to declare a global variable: [global] |
Type this into your terminal:
$ cd /Users/user/Desktop/Compile_LanguageName
$ chmod +x launch.command
$ open launch.command
Be sure to modify the directory to include your user's name and the name of your language where it has them.
You must have Python 3.0 or higher installed on your device. To install with Homebrew:
$ brew install python3