A simple restaurant finder app which is built on top of Vue.js, Zomato API and Google's Maps Javascript API. This is a Single Page Application. So you would get all the features in one place.
- Search by name
- Search by cuisine
- Infinite restaurants loading
- Listing restaurants on Google Map
- Listing restaurants on the sidebar
- Well-designed info window on-click-event
Assumed you've already cloned this repo. Run the following command.
yarn install
As this app depends on Zomato API and Google's Map API, you need to setup those keys. Set those keys using your command line tool.
export VUE_APP_ZOMATO_KEY='zomato-api-key'
export VUE_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_KEY='google-map-api-key'
To make the google map work, you have to put the domain name with port (that you put on the google to get the map api key) as the following:
yarn serve --host 'your-host' --port 'your-port'
yarn build
- Testing the app
If you have any issue, I would suggest you to make an issue here.