UNA v.13.0.0-A3 (upgradable)
New modules:
System Enhancements:
- Age rating (PG, PG13, R) for content #1430
- Embeds for all content types #1339
- User friendly URLs (SEO) #1091
- Canonical URL metatag to every possible page (SEO) #3504
- Filepond uploader integration instead of existing one #3509
- Accounts pruning #2021
- Hashtag autosuggestion #1970
- Allow to edit 'author' field by admin/moderator #1678
- Profile based modules: when profile isn't 'active' then any profile's content is hidden too #1689
- Setting to lock site for guests #3750
- Docker compose file for development environment #3744
- Ability to use custom CSS class for page block #3716
- Audit: track logout, login, and failed login attempts #3711
- Log DB errors #3703
- Reorder control in uploaders when reordering is enabled #3699
- Account details were added to confirmation & forgot password letters #3696
- Visibility for menu items depending on column layout #3688
- Comments: Add a support for status filed #3676
- Comments: better preview for images #3618
- Pause some JS when page isn't in focus (performance) #3673
- Quill editor improvements #3670 #3612
- New Date and DateTime picker #3659
- Application page type #3657
- Ability to select multiple membership levels for privacy field #3636
- Collapsable menu items #3625
- Prices formatting #3615
- Location improvements #3520
- Templates system: possibility to overwrite HTML templates from Base Modules in Template modules #3398
- New block with Multi-categories in context #3377
- Reset PHP Opcache when files are changed after system and modules updates #3359
- Primary index in every table #3262
- Sorting for adv search #3149
- Set Membership with time limit #3058
- Improved user experience in reactions #2948
- New "Author" block #2918
- Simpler date inputs #2706
- Forms: if form has error then it's autoscrolled to the first element with the error #2388
- Cover enhancements (proportions, repositioning, hide) #2282
Modules Enhancements:
- Group based modules: pre-moderation for #3732
- Group based modules: List/Cloud of hashtags in context #1661
- Profile based modules: 'People you may know' block #3728
- Profile based modules: mutual friends counter in profile snippet meta menu #3724
- Profile based modules: new 'View Meta' menu in Cover on 'View Profile' page #3515
- Text based module: Attach Link functionality #3391
- Timeline: images aren't cut by "See more" #3723
- Timeline: settings for Hot feed #3717 #3611
- Timeline: Dynamic browsing mode #3583
- Timeline: ability to attach files #3445
- Timeline: ability to navigate between pics in pop-up #3043
- Timeline: repost with text #702
- Credits: possibility for common users to Send their credits #3714
- Payments: ability to use One-Time payments in Chargebee integration #3709
- Payment: Add Tax support in Stripe V3 #3597
- Payment: Show current currency in create product, pricing plan, etc forms #3342
- Persons: "Last Name" field (disabled by default) #3660
- Wiki: new layout for wiki pages #3685
- Wiki: ability to insert images #3613
- Wiki: markdown editor, import #2615
- Ads: Auto-decline offers after N hours #3602
- Ads: better integration with Notifications #3573
- Ads: New marketplace related features #3265
- Albums: possibility to report media #3677
- Antispam: toxicity filters #3675
- Stream: recording #3637
- Stream: authentication for Nginx #3608
- Discussion: enhancement #3588
- Events: card view in Calendar when the "Day" tab is selected #3525
- Notifications: speed up cron (performance) #3270
- Invitations: permissions check and counter #3059