Kevin Ummel (
- Overview
- Setup and install
- Usage and structure
- Ingest survey data
- Document variables
- Harmonize variables
- Compile spatial data
- Prepare fusion inputs
- Generate fusion outputs
fusionData is used to create and manage the data inputs underpinning the larger fusionACS platform. It facilitates a number of steps in the overall fusionACS workflow:
- Ingest: Process raw survey data using a standard approach and formatting.
- Document: Document survey variables and compile a “universal” data dictionary.
- Harmonize: Harmonize variables in “donor” surveys with those in the American Community Survey (ACS).
- Compile spatial data: Compile data from multiple spatial datasets for merging with survey microdata.
- Prepare fusion inputs: Prepare harmonized donor and ACS microdata fusion inputs.
- Generate fusion outputs: Fuse donor variables to ACS microdata using fusionModel.
The fusionData master branch can be cloned to its own project directory on your local machine using RStudio and these instructions.
Use the following setup parameters:
Repository URL:
Project directory name: fusionData
You will be prompted to enter your Github username and password. You may
be prompted to install some package dependencies. If you use
multi-factor authentication for your Github credentials, you will need
to enable an SSH key, and will need to use
as the Repository URL in the above
setup parameters.
Although fusionData is structured (and loadable) as a R package, it also acts as a code and data repository that is shared and continuously modified by authorized users. fusionData grows over time as new surveys and spatial datasets – and the code needed to process and manipulate them – are added.
Now that the shared Github repository has been cloned to your local
drive (in a /fusionData
project directory), we can install the package
locally and load it. This step will install any required package
dependencies and may take awhile. You will be redirected to a browser
window to enter credentials for the Google Drive account storing
fusionData’s remote files. The password is provided separately for
approved users.
# Do initial local install of the fusionData package
devtools::install(quick = TRUE)
# Load the fusionData package
Whenever the fusionData package is loaded, it checks that the current
working directory is set to your local /fusionData
directory (it will
issue an error otherwise). This is because the package works with (and
expects) a particular directory structure locally that is mimicked in
the Github repository.
fusionData includes a convenience function called installPackage()
safely update (re-install) your local installation of the fusionData
package. If you modify important code yourself or pull changes from the
Github repository, it is necessary to re-install the fusionData
package locally to get all of the functionality. For example, if a
function is added or modified on Github, your local installation won’t
reflect the changes until you pull and re-install. installPackage()
does a number of operations that our initial devtools::install()
didn’t, so let’s go ahead and run it now:
For full functionality, it is also necessary to download at least some
of the remotely-stored survey microdata and processed spatial data
files. The following section (“Usage and structure”) provides more
detail about this and the associated reasoning. The functions
and getGeoProcessed()
offer an easy way to do
this. For example, to run most of the code in this README you will
minimally need:
# Download RECS 2015 processed survey microdata file
getSurveyProcessed(survey = "RECS_2015")
# Download only the essential remote spatial data files
getGeoProcessed(dataset = "essential")
The downloads may take a few minutes. The files are automatically placed
in the appropriate sub-directories of /fusionData
on your local drive,
with the directories created if necessary. After successful download,
your fusionData “system” is ready to go.
As you modify code and files in your local /fusionData
directory, you will need to commit and push those changes to the
Github repository for them to be accessible to other users. In addition,
it is good practice to pull the latest version of the repository from
Github prior to making any modifications. That way, you know you are
working from the latest shared version. This is most easily done using
the “Git” panel in the RStudio IDE.
Since Github places limits on file/repository size, we store certain
data files “remotely” – that is, outside of the Github repository. The
remotely-stored data files are integral to the overall fusionData
“system”, but they are not present in the Github repository itself.
Instead, the remote files (and associated directory structure) are
stored in Google Drive and can be automatically and safely added to a
user’s local /fusionData
folder using provided functions. Once the
remote files are added, the user’s local fusionData package is fully
functional. Remote data files are fairly static. So, a user typically
only needs to update (re-download) remote files to their local
fusionData directory if important changes have been made.
You don’t generally need to keep track of which files are stored remotely and which are in the Github repository (the .gitignore file handles this).
In summary: The Github repository stores the code needed to build and
document the fusionData architecture. Large and/or infrequently-modified
data files are stored remotely. Users can download/upload remote files
to/from their local /fusionData
directory as-needed. When users add or
modify code, the changes are committed locally and then pushed to the
Github repository where they become subject to code reviews, versioning
control, and accessible to other users.
Below is an overview of the top-level directories in the fusionData repository, including both Github-based and “remote” elements.
Auto-generated files for producing fusionData’s public documentation website. Most users do not need to access/modify this directory.
scripts defining functions for doing “fusionData things” (not all
are exported). Most users do not need to access/modify this directory.
Documentation (i.e. “manual”) of functions in /R
and data in /data
as usual for R packages. Most users do not need to access/modify this
Package-wide .rda
data files. Loadable via data()
, as usual for R
packages. Most users do not need to access/modify this directory.
scripts needed to create any package-wide .rda
objects in
, as usual for R packages. Most users do not need to
access/modify this directory.
Directory for the “Universal Survey Dictionary” Shiny app. The app
itself can be run by calling universe()
. Most users do not need to
access/modify this directory.
Directory for the “Survey Harmonization Tool” Shiny app. The app itself
can be run by calling harmony()
. Most users do not need to
access/modify this directory.
Contains processed survey data and associated code. Sub-directories refer to specific surveys and vintages. Users responsible for ingesting raw survey microdata will add their custom processing code to this directory.
Example: /survey-processed/RECS/2015
The Github repository version of /survey-processed
contains two kinds
of files:
- Custom .R scripts that transform raw survey microdata (located in
) into “processed” versions that adhere to certain requirements, structure, and naming conventions.
Example: /survey-processed/RECS/2015/RECS_2015_H_processed.R
- “Dictionary” files (.rds) that contain standardized metadata and variable descriptions for a particular survey.
Example: /survey-processed/RECS/2015/RECS_2015_H_dictionary.rds
also includes .fst files containing the processed
microdata itself. These files are stored remotely and can be added to a
user’s local fusionData directory by calling getSurveyProcessed()
For example, the .fst file
processed, household-level microdata for the 2015 RECS. The code that
creates this file is found in
. The .R file is
part of the Github repository (see
but the .fst file is stored remotely.
Use of .fst files allows data to be read very quickly from disk, in part or in full. Functions in the fusionData package take advantage of this.
A remote directory (i.e. not present in the Github repository) containing raw survey data files. Sub-directories refer to specific surveys and vintages. Users responsible for ingesting raw survey microdata will add the raw data files to this directory.
Example: /survey-raw/RECS/2015
can be downloaded and added to a user’s local fusionData
directory by calling getSurveyRaw()
. However, in practice, there is no
reason for a user to store raw survey data locally unless it is for a
survey that they are actively processing or editing. Once the
processed version of a survey (*_processed.fst
) is stable and
uploaded to the remote Google Drive, users can access and use the
processed version without ever needing to download or look at the
original/raw data.
Contains processed spatial data and associated code. Sub-directories
refer to specific spatial datasets. Most users do not need to
access/modify this directory. For users who are not modifying or adding
spatial datasets, it is sufficient to call
getGeoProcessed(dataset = "essential")
to load the essential “geo”
Example: /geo-processed/EPA-SLD
The Github repository version of /geo-processed
contains the following
kinds of files:
- Custom
scripts that transform raw spatial data (located in/geo-raw
) into processed .rds files that meet certain requirements.
Example: /geo-processed/EPA-SLD/epa-sld_v3_processed.R
also includes .rds files containing the processed
spatial data itself. These files are stored remotely and can be added to
a user’s local fusionData directory by calling getGeoProcessed()
For example, the .rds file
contains processed
spatial variables from version 3 of the EPA’s Smart Location Database
(SLD). The
code that creates this file is found in
. The .R file is part of
the Github repository (see
but the .rds file is stored remotely.
Importantly, the /geo-processed
remote content also includes two
“essential” spatial data files that are, in practice, all that most
users will need to perform data fusion locally. These files and their
roles are described in more detail later on.
A remote directory (i.e. not present in the Github repository) containing raw spatial data files. Sub-directories refer to specific spatial datasets. Most users do not need to access/modify this directory.
Example: /geo-raw/EPA-SLD
can be downloaded and added to a user’s local fusionData
directory by calling getGeoRaw()
. However, in practice, there is no
reason for a user to store raw spatial data locally unless it is for a
spatial dataset that they are actively processing or editing.
Contains production-level fusion input and output files generated by
and fusionOutput()
. Users will call these functions to
perform fusion but typically don’t need to access/modify the directory
itself. Almost all fusion input/output files are stored remotely given
their size. The only files that are pushed to the Github repository are
.txt log files that contain information about the fusionInput()
function calls.
A now-DEPRECATED directory containing code and possibly data from older
“production” fusion runs. Superseded by /fusion
“Ingesting” a survey requires transforming raw survey data into “processed” (i.e. standardized) microdata files that meet certain requirements. The fusionData codebase depends on the processed microdata having recognizable structure and features.
The ingestion process for each survey is documented and defined by a .R script (possibly multiple scripts) that must be written manually. The goal is to produce a data.frame containing microdata observations that (ideally) meet the following conditions:
- Contains as many observations and variables as possible.
- Variable names and descriptions are taken from the official codebook, possibly modified for clarity.
- Official variable names are coerced to lower-case alphanumeric, possibly using single underscores.
- Codes used in the raw data are replaced with descriptive labels from the codebook; e.g. integer values are replaced with associated factor levels.
- All “valid blanks” in the raw data are set to plausible values; NA’s are often actual zeros or some other knowable value based on the question structure.
- All “invalid blanks” or missing values in the raw data are imputed; a generic imputation function is provided for this purpose.
- Ordered factors are used and defined whenever possible (as opposed to unordered).
- Standard column names are used for unique household identifiers (e.g. “acs_2019_hid”); for person-level microdata the within-household person identifier (integer) is always “pid”.
- Standard column names are used for observation weights; “weight” for the primary weighting variable and “rep_1”, etc. for replicate weights.
- Variables identifying respondent location are consistent with those
defined in
Let’s look at a few of the variables in the processed RECS 2015
microdata to get a sense of what preferred output looks like. Note that
the file name includes a _H_
identifier, indicating that the microdata
in question is household-level. Surveys that include both household and
person-level respondent information have two such files – both “H” and
“P” microdata. The RECS has only household (“H”) microdata.
recs <- fst::read_fst("survey-processed/RECS/2015/RECS_2015_H_processed.fst")
head(select(recs, recs_2015_hid, weight, rep_1, sizeofgarage, recs_iecc_zone))
recs_2015_hid weight rep_1 sizeofgarage recs_iecc_zone
1 10001 12090 16560 Two-car garage IECC climate zones 3B-4B
2 10002 14400 21500 No garage IECC climate zones 1A-2A
3 10003 23330 12300 No garage IECC climate zone 3A
4 10004 12170 18550 Two-car garage IECC climate zone 4A
5 10005 16720 8080 One-car garage IECC climate zone 5A
6 10006 26060 37000 No garage IECC climate zones 6A-6B
Notice that the household ID variable has a standardized name (“recs_2015_hid”), as does the observation weights column (“weight”) and the first of the 96 replicate weights (“rep_1”). If the microdata consisted of person-level observations nested within households (e.g. as in the ACS), it would have have an additional “pid” integer variable to uniquely identify each person within the household.
In the case of “sizeofgarage” (the original variable name in RECS), the raw data contained NA’s (valid “skips”) for households without a garage. Those blanks are replaced with an intelligible label (“No garage”). In addition, “sizeofgarage” is classed as an ordered factor, since the labels have a natural ordering.
[1] "ordered" "factor"
[1] "No garage" "One-car garage"
[3] "Two-car garage" "Three-or-more-car garage"
The variable “recs_iecc_zone” tells us something about each respondent’s
location (IECC climate
zone). This and
other spatially-referenced variables are defined and named to be
consistent with variables in the
file. This allows
subsequent operations to intelligently impute respondent location prior
to fusion. More details on spatial data and location imputation can be
found in subsequent sections.
It is important that the location variables in a donor survey be
precisely consistent with those defined in geo_concordance.fst
. The
latter file can be modified, if necessary, to add new location variables
to allow such concordance. It is only strictly necessary that the donor
survey include the variable (or set of variables) that provide maximum
information about respondent location. For example, if a survey
contained a “county” variable, there is no reason to include “state” –
though the code shouldn’t break if it is included.
Some surveys (like RECS) have a complicated combination of location
variables that collectively define respondent location through their
spatial intersection. fusionData’s code base automatically handles this,
provided that the location variables are consistent (i.e. same name and
levels) in both the donor microdata and the geo_concordance.fst
There is no need to specify which variables are the location variables;
this is determined automatically by looking for overlap with column
names in the geo_concordance.fst
You can see how, exactly, the raw survey data was transformed by viewing
the associated code in
Given the variety of survey data structures and conventions, there is no
strict procedure for how the .R file(s) should be written. However,
there are common steps and tools likely to be applicable to most
surveys. The RECS_2015_H_processed.R
script is a good “template” in
this regard, since it includes many common operations – including
imputation of NA’s using the provided imputeMissing()
The RECS 2015 has a comparatively simple microdata and documentation
structure: household-level microdata in a single .csv file with an
associated .xls codebook. Other surveys require more complex steps to
assemble the necessary microdata. There is no limit on the number or
nature of .R files that can be used to ingest a survey. If multiple .R
files are used, the file names should include a two-digit sequence at
the front to indicate the order in which the scripts are employed
, 02*.R
, etc.).
The .R files should include liberal use of comments to help others understand the code later. Good practice is for comments to explain why a piece of code is included, not just what it does.
In all cases, the .R script that eventually saves the _processed.fst
microdata file to disk must include the use of
to assign variable descriptions
(ideally, taken from the official codebook) for each column. The script
must then call the createDictionary()
function to create and save a
standardized “dictionary.rds” file. createDictionary()
uses the
assigned variable descriptions and other information in the microdata to
build the dictionary in a standardized way. You can see this at the end
Here is the resulting dictionary file for RECS 2015.
recs.dictionary <- readRDS("survey-processed/RECS/2015/RECS_2015_H_dictionary.rds")
# A tibble: 6 × 8
survey vintage respondent variable description values type n
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1 RECS 2015 H adqinsul Level of insulation [Not … ord 5686
2 RECS 2015 H agecdryer Age of clothes dryer [No c… ord 5686
3 RECS 2015 H agecenac Age of central air con… [No c… ord 5686
4 RECS 2015 H agecwash Age of clothes washer [No c… ord 5686
5 RECS 2015 H agedw Age of dishwasher [No d… ord 5686
6 RECS 2015 H agefrzr Age of most-used freez… [No f… ord 5686
In practice, there is no reason for a typical user to ever open a
survey’s dictionary file. The preferred and much more useful way to
explore survey metadata and variable descriptions is via the
function described in the next section.
The previous section showed how and where a survey’s “dictionary.rds”
file(s) are created. Whenever a dictionary file is added or updated, it
is necessary to run the compileDictionary()
function to compile all of
fusionData’s individual survey dictionaries into a single “universal”
dictionary. The usage is straightforward:
As the console output reveals, compileDictionary()
updates two files:
and data/surveys.rda
. These files are part of
the Github repository and are used by both the “Universal Survey
Dictionary” and “Survey Harmonization Tool” Shiny apps that are part of
If this is the first time you are calling compileDictionary()
for a
new survey, you will need to add the survey abbreviation and description
of the survey to the R script universe/app.R
on line 32 so it can be
called on by universe()
(described below).
The “Universal Survey Dictionary” is a Shiny app that can be accessed by the following call:
# Open "Universal Survey Dictionary" Shiny app
This will open the app in a browser window. The tool allows the “universe” of available variables – across all ingested surveys – to be sorted and searched. A user should consult the universal dictionary after initial ingestion of a new survey, because it is an effective way to identify variables that need additional editing.
Once a donor survey has been successfully ingested and documented, it is possible to start thinking about how to fuse that survey to the ACS.
The statistical linchpin of the fusion process is the set of “harmonized” variables common to a donor survey and the ACS. Identifying conceptually similar variables across surveys and determining how they can be modified to measure similar concepts is one of the most important steps in the process. It is also potentially time-consuming and error-prone.
The “Survey Harmonization Tool” was created to make this process easier and safer. It is a Shiny app that makes it easier to detect, specify, and save “harmonies” constructed between variables in donor surveys and variables in the ACS. The app launches in a browser window with the following call:
# Open "Survey Harmonization Tool" Shiny app
At present, the harmony()
app only allows specification of harmonies
between a non-ACS donor survey and a specific ACS vintage
(e.g. harmonizing 2015 RECS to 2015 ACS).
Construction of a harmony generally follows these steps:
- Select a donor survey and vintage.
- Select the recipient ACS vintage.
- Select a “Donor variable” from the drop down list. The list is searchable to help locate variables associated with certain words.
- Select a “ACS variable” to use for the “other side” of the harmony.
- For factor variables, edit the “Group” columns in the spreadsheet objects to create the maximum-resolution harmony between the two variables. You can see the “live” outcome of the specified harmonization strategy in the table at the bottom of the page. For continuous variables, no additional modification is needed as long as the two variables measure similar concepts.
- Once the harmony is specified as you like, click “Submit harmony”. The button only becomes available to click if minimal safety checks are passed for a valid harmony.
When a user clicks “Submit harmony”, the currently-specified harmony (as
defined by the selected variables and settings) is saved to disk.
Specifically, the details of that particular harmony are added to the
appropriate .R “harmony file” located at /harmony/harmonies
. For
example, the file describing how to harmonize RECS 2015 and ACS 2015
variables is
You should receive a pop-up message indicating if the harmony was successfully added to the local .R harmony file (it will be created, if necessary). You can confirm the harmony was added by selecting the “View harmonies” panel.
Probably the easiest way to become an expert with the app is to view existing harmonies that I’ve already constructed for the RECS and CEI. This will show you the settings used and give you a sense of how and why they were used.
Additional details regarding “advanced” settings and examples. This may all seem convoluted at first. But once you understand what these fields are doing, it becomes quite easy, fast, and (almost) fun to construct harmonies.
Bin breakpoints
The Bin breakpoints field is used to specify how a continuous variable should be “binned” to turn it into a categorical variable – usually to allow for harmonization with a factor variable in the other survey. This is useful when an identical concept is measured on a continuous scale in one survey (e.g. income in dollars) and as a factor variable in the other survey (e.g. income range).
Example: Select “moneypy” for RECS 2015 to see how the ACS “hincp” is binned to create harmony.
The Adjustment field provides a powerful way to modify or adjust
variables to accommodate non-standard harmonies. Text in the Adjustment
field is passed as-is to a dplyr::mutate() call within harmonize()
that modifies the associated variable prior to any other manipulation.
The text passed to the mutate() call can utilize any other variables in
the microdata. This is quite powerful and allows for complicated
harmonies to be accommodated.
Example: Select “vehq” for CEI 2015-2019. In this case, the “vehq” (owned vehicles) and “vehql” (leased vehicles) variables in the CEI – both continuous – are added together by specifying “vehq + vehql” in the Adjustment field. The result is then binned to create harmony with the ACS “veh” variable, which is a factor variable referring to all available vehicles, whether owned or leased.
Household aggregator
Sometimes it is possible to create harmony between a household-level
(“H”) donor variable and a person-level (“P”) ACS variable, provided
that the latter is aggregated at the household level. In such cases,
the “Household aggregator” field tells harmonize()
how to aggregate or
summarize the person-level ACS variable within each household. This
field is only applicable when the donor variable is a household variable
and the selected ACS variable is person-level (person-level donor
variables can always be harmonized directly with person-level ACS
Simple example: Select “hhage” for RECS 2015
(Respondent/head-of-household age). The ACS “agep” variable can be used
to create harmony, but it is a person-level variable. By setting the
Household aggregator field to “reference” we instruct harmonize()
use the “reference person” value for “agep” to create a household-level
variable analogous to “hhage”.
Advanced example: Select “numchild” for RECS 2015 (Number of household
members age 17 or younger). The ACS “agep” variable can be used to
create harmony. Bin breakpoints are used to re-assign each household
member “agep” value to 1 if less than 18 and 0 if 18 or more (see the
“Group” column in the associated spreadsheet). The Household aggregator
field is the set to “sum” to instruct harmonize()
to sum these values
at the household level, which creates harmony with “numchild”.
Very advanced example: Select “as_comp1” for CEI 2015-2019 (Number of males age 16 and over). Again, the ACS “agep” variable can be used to create harmony (as above for “numchild”), but we need to additionally restrict the harmony to males only. This is done by using the Adjustment field to first set “agep” to 0 for all females, then bin the result, then sum at the household level.
The Comments field is used to leave helpful information about why the harmony was constructed as it was. Any harmony that makes use of one of the “advanced” settings should probably have a comment explaining the rationale.
A harmony file can be dget
-d to return a list of lists, where each
element defines a harmony. Like this one, defining the harmony between
the “fuelheat” variable in the RECS and the “hfl” variable in the ACS.
fuelheat__hfl = list(
RECS = list(
groups = 1:7,
levels = c("Do not use space heating", "Electricity", "Fuel oil/kerosene", "Natural gas from underground pipes", "Propane (bottled gas)", "Some other fuel", "Wood (cordwood or pellets)"),
breaks = "",
adj = ""),
ACS = list(
groups = c(5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 4, 7),
levels = c("Bottled, tank, or LP gas", "Coal or coke", "Electricity", "Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.", "No fuel used", "Other fuel", "Solar energy", "Utility gas", "Wood"),
breaks = "",
adj = ""),
ordered = FALSE,
comment = "",
modified = "2021-07-03 12:10:17")
This list object contains all of the information necessary to construct
RECS and ACS microdata containing a new variable called
“fuelheat__hfl”; i.e. the harmonized version of the two associated
heating fuel variables. This is precisely what the harmonize()
function does – typically when called by prepare()
as explained below
– using all of the harmonies available in the specified harmony file.
Note that harmonized variables are always indicated by a
double-underscore (“__“).
Using the harmony()
app to manually define harmonies and then letting
take care of subsequent data manipulation makes the
construction of harmonized microdata easier, faster, and much safer.
It is generally advisable to use the harmonize()
app to create and
edit harmonies. It is also possible to manually edit the .R harmony
files, if necessary, but be careful.
Most users will eventually find themselves constructing harmonies via the app and, as a result, modifying their local version of .R harmony files. This means you must commit and push those changes for them to show up in the Github repository – and become available for others to use. This also means it is important to pull the most recent version of the repository when you begin working with fusionData. Otherwise, you risk duplicating the efforts of someone else and/or failing to make use of the most recent version of harmony (and other) files.
fusionData allows for spatially-referenced data to be merged with survey microdata, thereby expanding the set of potential predictor variables available in the fusion process. The geographic “unit of analysis” in this case consists of PUMA’s, which are observed for ACS households and can be imputed for donor households.
Ingestion of spatial datasets is generally less onerous than for survey
data; there are fewer requirements that the processed data must meet.
The general strategy will look familiar: Raw spatial data is stored in
. The raw data is transformed to a “*_processed.rds” file
stored in /geo-processed
. The associated .R file is stored in the same
A processed spatial .rds file has only two hard requirements it must meet.
- It must contain a “vintage” column indicating the time period of each observation. The vintage can be a year, a year range (“2015-2016”), or the special value “always”. The “always” value indicates that a measurement is time-invariant (e.g. a long-term climate “normal”).
- It must contain a column (or columns) whose name and values are also
found in the
file. These columns define the location of the measurement and – via thegeo_concordance.fst
file – are mapped to PUMA’s.
Ordered factor variables should be classed as such; other categorical variables can be character. It is not (currently) necessary to document the variables, name them a certain way, or create a dictionary. Let’s look at an example.
irs <- readRDS("geo-processed/IRS-SOI/IRS-SOI_2018_processed.rds")
head(irs[, 1:5])
# A tibble: 6 × 5
zcta10 vintage `Mean income per return` `Mean income per person` Mean people…¹
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 35004 2018 58600 28760 2.04
2 35005 2018 41200 21200 1.94
3 35006 2018 53100 25300 2.10
4 35007 2018 62300 29240 2.13
5 35010 2018 52900 25700 2.06
6 35014 2018 50300 25900 1.94
# … with abbreviated variable name ¹`Mean people per return`
The irs
object contains processed spatial data constructed from the
IRS Statistics of Income
zip code tax return data for 2018. The underlying raw data is stored
remotely at /geo-raw/IRS-SOI/2018
. The script used to create the
“processed.rds” file is available
The “zcta10” column indicates the Zip Code Tabulation Area (circa 2010)
associated with each observation.
The “zcta10” variable is also found in the “geo_concordance.fst” file, which contains information about how to link geographic units to PUMA’s. Its creation relies heavily on data from the Missouri Census Data Center’s Geocorr engine. The information on how to link zip codes to PUMA’s is used to aggregate the IRS-SOI data to PUMA-level prior to merging with survey microdata.
The geo_concordance.fst
file contains a variety of variables that can
be used to identify the location of observations in a processed spatial
data file. Most of these are documented by
Others were added within the
file to allow concordance with variables found in particular datasets.
The concordance file can be expanded over time as necessary.
concordance <- fst::fst("geo-processed/concordance/geo_concordance.fst")
[1] "puma10" "puma_weight" "state" "state_name"
[5] "state_postal" "county10" "cousubfp10" "tract10"
[9] "bg10" "zcta10" "cbsa10" "cbsatype10"
[13] "metdiv10" "csa10" "sldu10" "sldl10"
[17] "sdbest10" "sdbesttype10" "sldu12" "sldl12"
[21] "ur12" "ua12" "cbsa13" "cbsatype13"
[25] "metdiv13" "csa13" "county14" "cousubfp14"
[29] "sldu14" "sldl14" "sdbest14" "sdbesttype14"
[33] "cbsa15" "cbsatype15" "metdiv15" "csa15"
[37] "sldu16" "sldl16" "cd111" "cd113"
[41] "cd114" "cd115" "cd116" "region"
[45] "division" "recs_domain" "recs_division" "recs_ba_zone"
[49] "recs_iecc_zone" "climate_division"
In some cases, the spatial dataset’s processed .rds file will include multiple location variables that are used collectively to achieve spatial concordance. For example, a spatial dataset with block group observations must include columns for “state”, “county10”, “tract10”, and “bg10” in order to allow a smooth merge with the concordance file (this is the case for the EPA-SLD dataset).
Unlike with processed survey data, the naming convention for processed
spatial data files is quite relaxed. The function compileSpatial()
automatically detects and compiles all files in /geo-processed
with “_processed.rds”. As long as a processed spatial data file has the
necessary suffix – and meets the two hard requirements mentioned above –
it will be compiled into the geo_predictors.fst
Whenever a processed .rds file is added or updated, it is necessary to
run compileSpatial()
to update the geo_predictors.fst
The geo_predictors.fst
file contains all variables and vintages across
available spatial datasets, aggregated to PUMA-level in preparation for
merging with survey microdata. The structure of this file is unusual,
but it is not intended to be worked with directly. It is designed to
allow the assemble()
function (demonstrated below) to efficiently read
the necessary data from disk when it merges spatial variables for
particular donor and recipient surveys.
Consequently, unless a user is actively adding or editing processed
spatial data, the only “geo files” that are strictly necessary for the
fusion process are geo_predictors.fst
and geo_concordance.fst
, both
of which can be obtained by calling
getGeoProcessed(dataset = "essential")
Once a donor survey is successfully ingested and harmonized, it is possible to move on to the final step: fusion! The fusion process consists of two parts. First, the necessary “input” data files are prepared. Second, those inputs are used to generate the final fusion “output”.
As of fusionData v1.0, these two steps are helpfully wrapped into the
and fusionOutput()
functions, respectively. These
functions safely execute all of the steps required for successful
fusion. In practice, users need only call the two high-level functions
and ensure that the resulting console output and log files look good.
For a worked example, let’s prepare the required inputs for fusion of
the RECS 2015 to the ACS 2015 (in test mode, of course!). This requires
the processed microdata for both surveys to be present in your local
installation. If you haven’t already, you can download
these files using:
getSurveyProcessed(survey = "RECS_2015")
getSurveyProcessed(survey = "ACS_2015")
You will also need to install the fusionModel package:
Now let’s make a call to fusionInput()
. The function arguments are
fully documented in ?fusionInput
. If you run this code in an
interactive session, you will be prompted at the console to approve
certain steps before proceeding (again, this is all documented). The
console output is designed to be very informative and describe what is
being done behind the scenes.
input.dir <- fusionInput(donor = "RECS_2015",
recipient = "ACS_2015",
respondent = "household",
fuse = c("btung", "btuel", "cooltype"),
force = c("moneypy", "householder_race", "education", "nhsldmem", "kownrent", "recs_division"),
note = "Hello world. This is a worked example for the package README!")
2023-03-30 16:39:06 MDT
R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
fusionData v1.0.0
fusionModel v2.2.2
fusionInput(donor = "RECS_2015", recipient = "ACS_2015", respondent = "household",
fuse = c("btung", "btuel", "cooltype"), force = c("moneypy",
"householder_race", "education", "nhsldmem", "kownrent",
"recs_division"), note = "Hello world. This is a worked example for the package README!",
test_mode = TRUE, ncores = getOption("fusionData.cores"))
fusionInput() is running in TEST mode.
User-supplied note:
Hello world. This is a worked example for the package README!
Result files will be saved to:
The local /input directory already exists.
|=== Check for custom pre-processing script ===|
None found.
|=== prepare() microdata ===|
Harmonizing RECS_2015 (donor) microdata at household level
Harmonizing ACS_2015 (recipient) microdata at household level
Identified 124 geographic intersections in the donor...
Imputing PUMA for donor observations...
Assigning location variables to recipient observations...
|=== assemble() microdata ===|
Identifying donor fusion variables...
Including the following fusion variables:
btuel, btung, cooltype
Applying integer scaling to spatial predictor variables...
Merging donor spatial predictor variables...
Merging recipient spatial predictor variables...
Assembling output data frames...
Performing consistency checks...
|=== Check for custom .R scripts ===|
None found.
|=== Check categorical harmonized variables ===|
Similarity scores for 18 categorical harmonized variables:
# A tibble: 18 × 2
`Harmonized variable` `Similarity score`
<chr> <dbl>
1 numtablet__handheld 0.676
2 employhh__wkhp 0.727
3 occupyyrange__mv 0.786
4 stoven__stov 0.856
5 ngpay__gasfp 0.868
6 hhsex__sex 0.878
7 moneypy__hincp 0.905
8 fuelheat__hfl 0.929
9 householder_race__rac1p 0.933
10 internet__access 0.933
11 education__schl 0.945
12 elpay__elefp 0.955
13 kownrent__ten 0.983
14 numfrig__refr 0.993
15 typehuq__bld 0.993
16 yearmaderange__ybl 0.996
17 desktop__laptop 0.998
18 sdescent__hisp 0.999
Retaining all categorical harmonized variables.
|=== Check location variables ===|
The representative location variable 'loc..recs_division' has 10 levels.
The following location variables have been flagged for possible exclusion:
# A tibble: 1 × 2
`Location variable` `Number of levels`
<chr> <int>
1 loc..recs_iecc_zone 11
Retaining all location variables.
|=== Check fusion and predictor variables ===|
Identified 3 fusion variables (0 blocks):
[1] "btung" "btuel" "cooltype"
Identified 24 harmonized variables and 240 total predictors
Identified 6 predictors to force and use for validation:
[1] "moneypy__hincp" "householder_race__rac1p"
[3] "education__schl" "nhsldmem__np"
[5] "kownrent__ten" "loc..recs_division"
|=== Run fusionModel::prepXY() ===|
fusionModel v2.2.2 |
Missing values imputed for the following 'x' variable(s):
acs.sf..b060, acs.sf..b080, nrel.urdb..rsed
Identifying 'x' that pass absolute Spearman correlation threshold
Fitting full models for each 'y'
Iteratively constructing preferred fusion order
Retained 176 of 240 predictor variables
Total processing time: 3.12 secs
Results of prepXY() saved to: RECS_2015_2015_H_prep.rds (0.00151 MB)
|=== Write training and prediction datasets to disk ===|
Writing training dataset...
Training dataset saved to: RECS_2015_2015_H_train.fst (1.05 MB)
Writing prediction dataset...
Prediction dataset saved to: RECS_2015_2015_H_predict.fst (1.76 MB)
Test mode: saved partial prediction data. Expected production file size is ~ 216 MB
|=== Upload /input files to Google Drive ===|
|=== fusionInput() is finished! ===|
fusionInput() total processing time: 33.6 secs
fusionInput() log file saved to:
Both fusionInput()
and fusionOutput()
can be run in “test mode” – in
fact, this is the default behavior. When in test mode, result files are
saved within the /fusion_
directory to prevent any conflict with (or
overwrite) of production data in /fusion
(no underscore).
returns the path to the directory where files are saved.
We can confirm that the path used /fusion_
as expected:
[1] "/home/kevin/Documents/Projects/fusionData/fusion_/RECS/2015/2015/H/input"
Note that the path includes the correct directory hierarchy. The path ends with “RECS/2015/2015/H/input” to indicate that the directory in question contains fusion input files associated with the RECS donor survey from 2015, for fusion to ACS 2015, at household-level.
Now let’s see the names of the files created by fusionInput()
[1] "RECS_2015_2015_H_inputlog.txt" "RECS_2015_2015_H_predict.fst"
[3] "RECS_2015_2015_H_prep.rds" "RECS_2015_2015_H_train.fst"
Every call to fusionInput()
generates the same four generic result
: A copy of the extensive console output you saw above.*_prep.rds
: Information about the variables to be used in the eventual fusion model.*_train.fst
: Donor survey processed and harmonized training microdata, ready for fusion.*_predict.fst
: Recipient ACS processed and harmonized prediction microdata, ready for fusion.
It is usually necessary for a user to run fusionInput()
more than once
for a given donor survey, since the process can flag issues with
variable harmonization that need to be addressed before finalizing the
fusion inputs.
If donor
refers to a survey with both household- and person-level microdata and respondent = "household"
and fuse
includes person-level variables, then we have a situation where person-level fusion variables need to be aggregated to household-level prior to fusion. For example, most variables in the ASEC 2019 microdata are at the person level. When fusing with ACS 2019 data, these variables need to be aggregated to the household level.
This is done automatically within assemble
. In this scenario, person-level fusion variables are aggregated based on their class. By default, numeric variables return the household total (sum), unordered factors return the level of the household's reference person, and ordered factors return the household's maximum level. This is one reason why specifying variables as ordered or unordered factors is important within the ingestion process.
If the default aggregation methods are not correct for a specific variable, then you can override them in one of two ways: using the agg_fun
argument or the agg_adj
argument. Lets look at an example using ASEC and two variables at the person level: kidcneed
, which flags if a child under the age of 14 needs paid childcare while their parents work, and schllunch
, which is the value of school lunch meals provided to children for free at school.
First, download the processed microdata for both the ASEC 2019 and ACS 2019 surveys:
getSurveyProcessed(survey = "ACS_2019")
getSurveyProcessed(survey = "ACES_2019")
asec <- fst::read_fst("survey-processed/ASEC/2019/ASEC_2019_P_processed.fst")
head(select(asec, asec_2019_hid, weight, rep_1, schllunch, kidcneed))
By default, schllunch
would be summed across all household members (because it is numeric) and kidcneed
would take the reference person's value (because it is an unordered factor). However, (somewhat confusingly) in the person-level data, ASEC records schllunch
as the same for all members of the family. Summing schllunch
across household members would result in double counting the total school lunch value of that household, even if there are multiple families in the household. This problem occurs with many of the ASEC variables related to poverty because the family-level response is recorded for each individual in the family.
The default behavior for kidcneed
would be the value of the reference person. As the reference person is the householder, who is never a child under the age 14, this would result in the aggregated variable being always "not in universe". Instead, we want to take the modal value across members of the household. This will ignore the NIU values and be a 1 if the majority of children need paid child care, and 0 if not.
Let's implement these two custom adjustments to the aggregation process within fusionInput()
input.dir <- fusionInput(donor = "ASEC_2019",
recipient = "ACS_2019",
respondent = "household",
# variables we always want as predictors:
force = c("hhincome", "race", "educ", "numprec", "hhtenure", "state"),
# the two person-level variables we want to aggregate and fuse
fuse = c("kidcneed", "schllunch"),
# here we provide a list of specific custom functions for aggregation
agg_adj = list(
schllunch = ~if.else(duplicated(data.table(asec_2019_hid, famid)), 0, schllunch)
# here we provide a list of specific pre-packaged functions for aggregation (which still override the defaults)
agg_fun = list(
kidcneed = "mode"
note = "ASEC example of custom aggregation")
For kidcneed
the custom aggregation uses a package-specific function called "mode", which returns to modal value across household members. Any other function that takes in a vector and returns a single value can be passed to the agg_fun
For schllunch
the aggregation is more specific. We want to take the value of the first person within the family. This is different to reference person (which we could otherwise get with the package-specific function "ref" passed to agg_fun
) because there could be multiple families within a household. Because it is not an existing function, it needs to be passed to agg_adj
Note that in the schllunch
custom aggregation function, we use the convenience utility function if.else()
. It wraps if_else
and can be used identically but preserves factor levels and ordering in the result if possible.
The results files for this call to fusionInput()
will now be at the household level, and the person level variables will be aggregated as we specified.
Once the necessary input files are ready-to-go, it is straightforward to
complete the fusion process using fusionOutput()
. The function
arguments are fully documented in ?fusionOutput
. A minimal call simply
indicates where to find the required input files. Everything else is
handled automatically:
output.dir <- fusionOutput(input = input.dir)
2023-03-30 17:05:37 MDT
R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
fusionData v1.0.0
fusionModel v2.2.2
fusionOutput(input = input.dir, output = NULL, M = NULL, note = NULL,
test_mode = TRUE, upload = FALSE, ncores = getOption("fusionData.cores"),
margin = 2, ... = )
fusionOutput() is running in TEST mode.
The input files directory is:
Result files will be saved to:
The local /output directory already exists.
|=== Load training data inputs ===|
Loading training microdata: RECS_2015_2015_H_train.fst
Loading prepXY() results: RECS_2015_2015_H_prep.rds
|=== Run fusionModel::train() ===|
Running in 'test' mode using fast(er) hyper-parameter settings:
[1] "goss"
[1] 8
[1] 57
[1] 50
[1] 1
[1] 0.3
[1] 0.2
[1] 3
[1] 16
[1] 57
[1] 8
Training fusion model
fusionModel v2.2.2 |
Missing values imputed for the following 'x' variable(s):
acs.sf..b060, acs.sf..b080, nrel.urdb..rsed
3 fusion variables
176 initial predictor variables
5686 observations
Using specified set of predictors for each fusion variable
Using OpenMP multithreading within LightGBM (3 cores)
Training step 1 of 3: btung
-- R-squared of cluster means: 0.972
-- Number of neighbors in each cluster:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
10.0 38.0 122.5 188.1 343.0 497.0
Training step 2 of 3: cooltype
Training step 3 of 3: btuel
-- R-squared of cluster means: 0.963
-- Number of neighbors in each cluster:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
10.0 34.0 82.0 146.1 229.0 494.0
Fusion model saved to:
Total processing time: 5.58 secs
|=== Fuse onto training data for internal validation ===|
Running in 'test' mode, so internal validation skipped.
|=== Fuse onto prediction data ===|
Loading prediction microdata: RECS_2015_2015_H_predict.fst
Fusing to ACS microdata (2 implicates)
3 fusion variables
176 initial predictor variables
10000 observations
Missing values imputed for the following variable(s):
acs.sf..b060, acs.sf..b080, nrel.urdb..rsed
Generating 2 implicates
Using OpenMP multithreading within LightGBM (3 cores)
Fusion step 1 of 3: btung
-- Predicting LightGBM models
-- Simulating fused values
Fusion step 2 of 3: cooltype
-- Predicting LightGBM models
-- Simulating fused values
Fusion step 3 of 3: btuel
-- Predicting LightGBM models
-- Simulating fused values
Writing fusion output to .fsd file
Fusion results saved to:
Total processing time: 0.78 secs
|=== Upload /output files to Google Drive ===|
'upload = FALSE'; file upload skipped at request of user.
|=== fusionOutput() is finished! ===|
fusionOutput() total processing time: 6.4 secs
fusionOutput() log file saved to:
As before, let’s check the location of the result files and their names:
[1] "/home/kevin/Documents/Projects/fusionData/fusion_/RECS/2015/2015/H/output"
[1] "RECS_2015_2015_H_fused.fsd" "RECS_2015_2015_H_model.fsn"
[3] "RECS_2015_2015_H_outputlog.txt"
Every call to fusionOutput()
generates the same three generic result
: A copy of the extensive console output above.*_model.fsn
: The fusionModel object used to simulate the fusion variables.*_fused.fsd
: The recipient microdata with simulated values for the fusion variables, across multiple implicates.
In addition, if not running in test mode, two additional files are produced:
: The training microdata with simulated values for the fusion variables, across multiple implicates.*_validation.rds
: Results from internal validation exercises using the simulated variables in*_valid.fsd
Just to confirm, let’s look at the final, fused microdata in “RECS_2015_2015_H_fused.fsd”.
fsd.file <- list.files(output.dir, full.names = TRUE)[1]
fused <- fusionModel::read_fsd(fsd.file)
fusionModel v2.2.2 |
[1] 20000 4
1 2
10000 10000
M btung cooltype btuel
1: 1 139800 Central air conditioning system 48500
2: 1 0 Central air conditioning system 72300
3: 1 37900 Individual window/wall or portable units 45000
4: 1 0 Central air conditioning system 57900
5: 1 103600 Central air conditioning system 29900
6: 1 30000 Central air conditioning system 7740
When running in test mode, the ACS prediction dataset is restricted to
the first 10,000 rows and, by default, only two implicates are simulated
(for speed and file size). This is a quick(er) way to check if there are
any obvious issues or problems. It is a good idea to make sure both
and fusionOutput()
are “passing” start-to-finish in
test mode before trying to your final (and more time-consuming) fusion.
In practice, we sometimes need to “do fusion” in a secure server
environment. Since installing the complete fusionData package just to
access fusionOutput()
is overkill (and a pain), a copy of
is silently exported in the fusionModel package. This
allows someone to install and load only the fusionModel package in a
server environment and then use fusionOutput()
to do the fusion step –
assuming the server has access to the necessary input files.