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Blueprint for iits OTC GitOps


During this Workshop/Blueprint you will learn the basics about proper automation of infrastructere and how to bootstrap ArgoCD. A similar Approach also applies to FluxCD.

If you want to use this setup without attending our workshop please do first the following step

Here is what we want to achieve:



The following services we will deploy later

  • Admin Dashboard
  • Basic Auth Gateway
  • Storage Classes
  • Elastic Stack (kibana/elasticsearch/filebeat)
  • Kyverno

Please keep in mind this workshop just teaches the basics. For a proper and secure production setup please contact us at

Tools Requirements

  • Install Terraform in the Version 1.4.6 We would recommend to use the tool tfenv
  • Install otc-auth. We need to it to be able to login over CLI and getting the kube config
  • A proper Shell. If you are using Windows please use GitBash
  • kubectl cli
  • git
  • Github Account

Preparation & Requirements

  1. First we will pull the Terraform sourcecode. Please go to this site: clone-otc-terraform-template.png
  • Click on Code
  • Clone the repository
  1. Next step is to create a fork for the ArgoCD project. Please go to this link:
  • Click on Use this template
  • Click on Create a new repository
    • choose a repository name
    • select Private repository
  1. Create now a Github Access Token of your Fork for the repo from step 2. It is needed for ArgoCD to be able to pull information from there

    • Click here to do that
    • Select Only select repositories and choose your fork of the infrastructure-charts
    • Permissions
      • Contents -> Read-Only
      • Commit Status -> Read-Only
  2. You should have got an E-Mail with your credentials the format looks like this


  3. Docker Account

    • To avoid the docker rate limit problem you need to create a account first or use your existing credentials/token. If you don't have a docker account you can create a free one here
  4. Adjust the .envrc and file. The .envrc is needed to set environment variables which are used by terraform or by the otc-auth cli tool

    • replace all "REPLACE_ME" Placeholder with the correct values
    • source the updated .envrc file like this "source .envrc"

Create the kubernetes cluster and other infrastructure components

First go into the folder otc-cloud/dev

Create Terraform state bucket

To be able to store the state of terraform somewhere secure, we need first to create a remote tfstate backend. THe remote tfstate backend is in this case a OBS/S3 Bucket. Within this bucket we store the current state of the OTC infrastructure which we will create.

  1. Execute
    terraform init
  2. Execute
    terraform apply --target module.tf_state_bucket --auto-approve
  3. Wait for completion
  4. After completion we should get a output which looks like this: terraform-output-remote-state.png
  5. Copy the output and replace inside the file the commented out section of the backend with the output
  6. Execute this command
    terraform init
  7. Type yes and enter
  8. remove the files terraform.tfstate and terraform.tfstate.backup

Execute Terraform

  1. Now take a look at the and try to understand what we want to set up

Validate your setup is up and running

  • Check Kubernetes
    • with terraform we fetched already the kube config
    • execute inside your cli the following command:
      kubectl get nodes
  • Check DNS
    • execute inside your cli the following command:
    nslookup $TF_VAR_domain_name 
    • It should point to some 80...* Address

Congrats your infrastructure is working properly

Bootstrap ArgoCD

Now we want to bring some life into our cluster. For that we will deploy everything from our Fork from the Preparation & Requirements Step 2

  • Go into the folder ./otc-cloud/dev/kubernetes
  • Repeat the steps from this point again here
  • Take a look at the and try to understand what we want to achieve
  • Execute Terraform init and apply
  • ArgoCD should slowly start to boot and after around 3-4 Minutes it should be finished

Access ArgoCD UI

First we will access ArgoCD over a kubectl port-forward. To do that execute the following commands in your cli:

# This command will make the argo command available
# Opens a tunnel to your kubernetes cluster and exposes ArgoCD under http://localhost:8080/argocd
# It will print out the Username and the Password on the first line and the browser should open automatically.

After some minutes argocd is also available over your domain like this: https://admin.${TF_VAR_context}

Save the basic auth credentials

Inside otc-cloud/dev/kubernetes you see there is now a new file which is called basic-auth-password.txt Inside this file you will find the credentials to be able to access your page.

Go over to Argo and deploy some services

We are finished with the terraform part and will switch now over to this repository:

Do the workshop on your tenant

If you want to do the workshop on your tenant you need to create a user first and configure the IAM.

Please do the following steps:

  1. Login into the OTC UI
  2. Go to IAM
  3. Create a new project for the workshop
  4. Create a user and assign it the admin role
    • You will need the username & password
  5. Go to Agencies agencies.png
  6. For EVSAccessKMS click on Authorize
    • Add KMS Administrator for All resources
  7. For cce_admin_trust click on Authorize
    • Add Tenant Administrator (Exclude IAM) for All resources


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