A wrapper around scipy "find_peaks" function to enable peak calling of CLIP data.
Using the annotation provided, crosslinks over each gene are smoothed using a rolling mean. The window can be decided by the user. For each gene the mean of the smoothed signal is taken (red line) and the mean + (mean * adjustment factor) (green line) is taken. The mean is used to define the minimum height of a peak. The mean + (mean * adjustment factor) is taken to define the minimum prominence of a peak. Please see here for the definition of topographical prominence. Essentially this parameter limits shallow peaks being called in regions where there is a clearly more prominent peak.
In the image below, you can see the positions the algorithm picks out in this gene as peaks.
Clippy also has an interactive mode, allowing users to tune the parameters to their protein of interest.
Clippy is now available to install from Bioconda:
conda create --name clippy python=3.8
conda activate clippy
conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge clippy
To start the interactive parameter search server for the test yeast data, run:
clippy --input_bed tests/data/crosslinkcounts.bed --output_prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX \
--annotation tests/data/annot.gff --genome_file tests/data/genome.fa.fai
usage: clippy [-h] [-v] -i INPUT_BED -o OUTPUT_PREFIX -a ANNOTATION -g GENOME_FILE
Call CLIP peaks.
required arguments:
-i INPUT_BED, --input_bed INPUT_BED
bed file containing cDNA counts at each crosslink position
prefix for output files
gtf annotation file
-g GENOME_FILE, --genome_file GENOME_FILE
genome file containing chromosome lengths. Also known as a FASTA index
file, which usually ends in .fai. This file is used by BEDTools for
genomic operations
optional peak size arguments:
Control the size of the peaks called
-n [WINDOW_SIZE], --window_size [WINDOW_SIZE]
rolling mean window size [DEFAULT 10]
-w [WIDTH], --width [WIDTH]
proportion of prominence to calculate peak widths at. Smaller values will
give narrow peaks and large values will give wider peaks [DEFAULT 0.4]
optional peak filtering arguments:
Control how peaks are filtered
-x [MIN_PROM_ADJUST], --min_prom_adjust [MIN_PROM_ADJUST]
adjustment for minimum prominence threshold, calculated as this value
multiplied by the mean [DEFAULT 1.0]
-mx [MIN_HEIGHT_ADJUST], --min_height_adjust [MIN_HEIGHT_ADJUST]
adjustment for the minimum height threshold, calculated as this value
multiplied by the mean [DEFAULT 1.0]
-mg [MIN_GENE_COUNTS], --min_gene_counts [MIN_GENE_COUNTS]
minimum cDNA counts per gene to look for peaks [DEFAULT 5]
-mb [MIN_PEAK_COUNTS], --min_peak_counts [MIN_PEAK_COUNTS]
minimum cDNA counts per broad peak [DEFAULT 5]
optional annotation arguments:
Control how the gene annotation is interpreted and used
-alt [ALT_FEATURES], --alt_features [ALT_FEATURES]
A list of alternative GTF features to set individual thresholds on in the
comma-separated format <alt_feature_name>-<gtf_key>-<search_pattern>
upstream extension added to gene models [DEFAULT 0]
downstream extension added to gene models [DEFAULT 0]
-nei, --no_exon_info Turn off individual exon and intron thresholds
Intergenic peaks are called by first creating intergenic regions and
calling peaks on the regions as though they were genes. The regions are
made by expanding intergenic crosslinks and merging the result. This
parameter is the threshold number of summed cDNA counts required to
include a region. If set to zero, the default, no intergenic peaks will
be called. When using this mode, the intergenic regions used will be
output as a GTF file. [DEFAULT 0]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
-t [THREADS], --threads [THREADS]
number of threads to use. [DEFAULT 1]
-cf [CHUNKSIZE_FACTOR], --chunksize_factor [CHUNKSIZE_FACTOR]
A factor used to control the number of jobs given to a thread at a time.
A larger number reduces the number of jobs per chunk. Only increase if
you experience crashes [DEFAULT 16]
-int, --interactive starts a Dash server to allow for interactive parameter tuning
A note on annotation gff
The code only requires that you have a feature labelled "gene" in the 3rd column of your gff, and assumes that the 9th column of your gff will uniquely identify your genes and contain some kind of gene name or ID.
If you plan to contribute to the Clippy code we have some helpful functions for development. To run the automated testing, use:
pytest --cov=clip -k "not profiling and not web"
You might be interested in how long certain functions take to run. To run the profiling code:
pytest -k profiling --profile-svg
python -m gprof2dot -f pstats prof/get_the_peaks.out | dot -Tpdf -o prof/get_the_peaks.pdf
Test data for the automated testing was generated as follows.
For CEP295 data:
cat tests/data/gencode.v38.annotation.gtf | \
awk '{if($1=="chr11" && 93661682<=$4 && $5<=93730358){print($0)}}' > \
gunzip -c tests/data/tardbp-egfp-hek293-2-20201021-ju_mapped_to_genome_reads_single.bed.gz | \
awk '{if($1=="chr11" && 93661682<=$2 && $3<=93730358){print($0)}}' > tests/data/cep295.bed
For RBFOX2 data:
cat tests/data/gencode.v38.annotation.gtf | \
awk '{if($1=="chr19" && 10000000<=$4 && $5<=11000000){print($0)}}' > \
gunzip -c tests/data/HepG2_RBFOX2.xl.bed.gz | \
awk '{if($1=="chr19" && 10000000<=$2 && $3<=11000000){print($0)}}' > \
Charlotte Capitanchik - charlotte.capitanchik@crick.ac.uk
Marc Jones - marc.jones@crick.ac.uk
Clippy has been used in multiple publications:
Kuret, K., Amalietti, A. G., Jones, D. M., Capitanchik, C., & Ule, J. (2022). Positional motif analysis reveals the extent of specificity of protein-RNA interactions observed by CLIP. Genome biology, 23(1), 1-34.
Varier, R. A., Sideri, T., Capitanchik, C., Manova, Z., Calvani, E., Rossi, A., ... & van Werven, F. (2022). m6A reader Pho92 is recruited co-transcriptionally and couples translation efficacy to mRNA decay to promote meiotic fitness in yeast. eLife