We have looked into the memory consumption of some of the processes and optimised them. vcf2fasta
can run locally for many many VCFs without running out of memory and crashing. filter_vcf
runtime has also been improved, along with memory utilisation.
- Memory optimisations: #12
- Annotating variants is also optimised to use only the momery required.
- Fixed issue with N in the reference where we have to insert it for mpileup to work., #13.
samtools sort
is supplied with -m option if there is at least 1G of memory per CPU. When there is enough memory, sort will be done in-memory, instead of temp files.--with-mixtures
option allows to output IUPAC extended alphabet mixture codes, for SNP positions that FAIL filters, based on frequency threshold. E.g. if threshold is set to 0.2, and record is A:50,T:50 for REF and ALT, then both are used because for each base mixture is 0.5. However, if A:2, T:98, then only T is used because A's ratio is 0.02. Multi ALT bases are also treated in the same fashion.- Progress for
based on guestimate of total number of records - Bug fixes