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FAIR MAST Data Ingestion

Running on CSD3

Installation on CSD3

After logging into your CSD3 account (on Icelake node), first load the correct Python module:

module load python/3.9.12/gcc/pdcqf4o5

Clone the repository and fetch data files (Git LFS must be installed):

git clone
cd fair-mast-ingestion
git lfs pull

Create a virtual environment:

python -m venv fair-mast-ingestion
source fair-mast-ingestion/bin/activate

Update pip and install required packages:

python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install git+ssh://
python -m pip install -e .

We must also source the SSL certificate information by running the following command. Without this UDA cannot connect to the UKAEA network.

source ~/rds/rds-ukaea-ap002-mOlK9qn0PlQ/fairmast/

S3 Support (Optional)

Finally, for uploading to S3 we need to install s5cmd and make sure it is on the path:

tar -xvzf s5cmd_2.2.2_Linux-64bit.tar.gz

And add a config file for the bucket keys, by creating a file called .s5cfg.stfc:


You should now be able to run the following commands.

Submitting runs on CSD3

First Run on CSD3

This will ingest data into the test folder in S3. The small_ingest script allows you to put one file of shots into the ingestion.

  1. First submit a job to collect all the metadata:
sbatch ./jobs/
  1. Then submit an ingestion job

Argument 1 (e.g. s3://mast/test/shots/) is where the data will ingest to, and argument 2 is the file of shots to ingest (e.g. campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv), arguments 3 and greater are the sources (e.g. amc)

sbatch ./jobs/ s3://mast/test/shots/ campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv amc

Ingesting All Shots

This ingestion job runs through all shots for the specified source (e.g. amc)

sbatch ./jobs/ s3://mast/test/shots/ amc

Manually Running Ingestor

Local Ingestion

The following section details how to ingest data into a local folder on freia with UDA.

  1. Parse the metadata for all signals and sources for a list of shots with the following command
mpirun -n 16 python3 -m src.create_uda_metadata data/uda campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv 
mpirun -np 16 python3 -m src.main data/local campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv --metadata_dir data/uda --source_names amc xsx --file_format nc

Files will be output in the NetCDF format to data/local.

Ingestion to S3

The following section details how to ingest data into the s3 storage on freia with UDA.

  1. Parse the metadata for all signals and sources for a list of shots with the following command
mpirun -n 16 python3 -m src.create_uda_metadata data/uda campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv 

This will create the metadata for the tiny campaign. You may do the same for full campaigns such as M9.

  1. Run the ingestion pipleline by submitting the following job:
mpirun -np 16 python3 -m src.main data/local campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv --bucket_path s3://mast/test/shots --source_names amc xsx --file_format zarr --upload --force

This will submit a job to the freia job queue that will ingest all of the shots in the tiny campaign and push them to the s3 bucket.

CPF Metadata

To parse CPF metadata we can use the following script (only on Friea):

qsub ./jobs/freia_write_cpf.qsub campaign_shots/tiny_campaign.csv


Ingestion tool for the FAIR MAST project






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