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ovpn-auth is a easy-to-use multi-factor authentication solution for OpenVPN that supports both password and Time-Based OTP nonces.


  • 2FA login with username, password and TOTP nonce
  • Multiple users
  • Built-in mechanism to register. Scan QR code printed on terminal to TOTP app e.g. Google Authenticator
  • No dependencies & single binary => easy to deploy & use
  • Passwords are stored as Argon2id hashes

Register new users

$ ovpn-auth register

Enter username: ufukty
Enter password:
Copy the secret or scan QR: otpauth://totp/ovpn-auth:ufukty?algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&issuer=ovpn-auth&period=30&secret=V72ILSVNVZ2FMGMJKI5UPC64XXFGPJXK
# QR code will be printed here
Enter TOTP nonce: 241988

This will ask username, password and print a totp secret with QR code for it. It needs /etc/openvpn directory to exist.



Append 6 digit TOTP nonce just to the end of your password.

$ sudo openvpn client_config.ovpn
Enter Auth Username:<username>
Enter Auth Password:<password><totp>

How to use

Configure server

# Locate the `/etc/openvpn` folder of server in your terminal.
cd /etc/openvpn

# Adjust permissions and ownership
chmod 744 ovpn_auth_database.yml # Read caution below
chown root:root ovpn_auth_database.yml

chmod 755 ovpn-auth
chown root:root ovpn-auth

# Enable auth script support for OpenVPN server by editing server.conf file in the server.
echo "script-security 2" >>server.conf
echo "auth-user-pass-verify /etc/openvpn/ovpn-auth via-file" >>server.conf


Since, OpenVPN daemon starts the ovpn-auth as the user nobody, also the ovpn_auth_database.yml file should be accessible by nobody. That means username, password, and TOTP secret will be able to seen by anyone in the server. While it is not a big problem for argon2 hashes, you should mind the exposure of otp secret.

Configure clients

In the client configuration, make this update to enable username/password prompt when you try to connect to server:

$ echo "auth-user-pass" >>/path/to/client_config.ovpn


Database file is portable. Just be sure it has correct permissions to let user nobody can read.

# /etc/openvpn/ovpn_auth_database.yml
- username: ufukty
  hash: $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$AQQSwAsd4DGijyj9IpTjDNJllW/owpE3C6toqtruBxs$ZDnWhrpxzB34GInI9cjAf18ddE0LaMFiPCZXbYBnUzPE7khDJLBvLgHh/P7k39j5RDwKhThwBZvyEx5hnmO43nOS694zB/w5N96zQm0MPmagVPJXCV519f1wAd0EgqxEsi77iGLptIw/FdriWuBfKpO+3ygG81tL7rJS6k6kcMQ


Argon2 configuration

Parameter Value
Mode id
Memory (m) 64 MiB
Iterations (t) 2
Parallelism (p) 1
Salt 32
Key 128


Beware that since hashing needs significant amount of RAM to be utilized for each request, external adjustments to block requests that might lead to a DoS attack may be necessary.

Timing attacks

$ /usr/local/go/bin/go test -timeout 10s -run ^TestTimings$ -v -count=1

=== RUN   TestTimings
=== RUN   TestTimings/invalid-totp.yml
=== RUN   TestTimings/invalid-username.yml
=== RUN   TestTimings/invalid-password-totp.yml
total durations for all requests in same test set:
    invalid-totp.yml          => 3.296492025s
    invalid-username.yml      => 11.827µs
    invalid-password-totp.yml => 11.643µs
average durations per request:
    invalid-totp.yml          => 66ms
    invalid-username.yml      => 0ms
    invalid-password-totp.yml => 0ms
standard deviations (amongst all requests in one set, individually):
    invalid-totp.yml          => 2.80ms
    invalid-username.yml      => 0.00ms
    invalid-password-totp.yml => 0.00ms
--- PASS: TestTimings (3.30s)
    --- PASS: TestTimings/invalid-totp.yml (3.30s)
    --- PASS: TestTimings/invalid-username.yml (0.00s)
    --- PASS: TestTimings/invalid-password-totp.yml (0.00s)
ok      3.678s


Issues and PRs are welcome.



Apache 2.0 License.


Software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Read the LICENSE file for information.