An STM32 HAL example of communicating with an absolute encoder over the SPI interface. A multi-turn 12-bit encoder from Same Sky (formerly CUI Devices) is taken as an example. The relevant evaluation kit is AMT222C-V.
Don't worry 🙂 Just hit Alt-K to generate /Drivers/CMCIS/ and /Drivers/STM32G4xx_HAL_Driver/ based on the .ioc file. After a couple of seconds your project will be ready for building.
- OLED: stm32-ssd1306 (MIT license)
- Bidirectional 4-channel logic level shifter
- OLED display 1.3" (SH1106 or SSD1306)
- AMT Cable AMT-06C-1-036
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Control in power electronics and drives - do try this at home ❗
190+ challenges to start from: Control Engineering for Hobbyists at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Stay tuned!