PyTreex is a minimal implementation of the Treex API in Python. It has classes and methods for common Treex objects, such as documents, bundles, zones, trees, nodes, and blocks.
One can run Treex-like scenarios (which are stored in YAML) from the command-line. However, the current version is not able to read Treex XML files. Treex XML files must be stored in YAML format using the Write::YAML Treex block before using them here.
This Python version of Treex is experimental and its use case is at best marginal; we still recommend you to use the original, Perl Treex.
PyTreex can be installed directly from GitHub using pip:
pip install git+
Copyright 2013-2017 Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license (see LICENSE.txt).