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About Uesio

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Uesio is a low-code application development platform.

Set up dev environment


  • Install homebrew (for macOS user)
  • Install git
  • Install GitHub Desktop GitHub Desktop
  • Install nvm (for ensuring that your version of Node.js matches the version used in the repo): nvm install
  • Install Go
  • Install the following brew packages:
    • hurl (for integration tests): brew install hurl
    • jq (for JSON manipulation in Shell): brew install jq
    • wget (for fetching URLs): brew install wget
  • Start dependencies here.
  • Build
  • Run.


  • Set up SSL here. If you don't set up SSL locally and you still want to run multiple sites locally in addition to the studio, you will need to set the UESIO_ALLOW_INSECURE_COOKIES environment variable to true
  • Set up local DNS here This is also necessary if you want to run multiple sites locally in addition to the studio. By default, you can access the studio at http://localhost:3000
  • Install VS Code and plugins (ESLint, Prettier, Go, GitLens). Do enable format on save in conjunction with the Prettier. Set up the code environment variable.
  • Install the following Google Chrome plugins : React Developers Tools, Redux DevTools.
  • Install Oh My Zsh
  • Add a SSH key to your github account
  • Install the nx cli globally: npm i -g nx
  • An alternative to installing nx globally is to set an alias in your ~/.zshrc file or equivalent: alias nx="npx nx". This way your global nx version will always be the correct version.
    npm run dev
  • Optional. Create a file called launch.json located in apps/.vscode for the uesio server debugger in Go and paste the following :
  // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
  // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
  // For more information, visit:
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
    "name": "Launch",
    "type": "go",
    "request": "launch",
    "mode": "debug",
    "program": "${workspaceRoot}",
    "env": {},
    "args": ["serve"]



By default, production builds (e.g., minified) will be created. To create development builds (e.g., not minified), set the environment variable NODE_ENV to development prior to running any build related commands (e.g., NODE_ENV=development npm run build-all or add NODE_ENV=development to .env file).

  • Download and install the npm module dependencies
npm install

Build all applications and libs

npm run build-all

Build a dedicated app (no watcher and no source map)

cd ./libs/apps/uesio/studio && uesio pack

// or
npm run nx -- build apps-uesio-studio

// or, if you have nx installed globally (or aliased)
nx build apps-uesio-studio

Watch mode (for development)

While developing you may want the entire monorepo to rebuild changed files. You can do this with:

npm run watch-all

Or, if you want to watch just a single project, you can do the following which will watch the project for changes and ensure that any of the projects its dependent on are (re)built (if needed) first:

npx nx watch -p <projectname> --includeDependentProjects -- nx run-many -t build -p \$NX_PROJECT_NAME

For example, to monitor the apps-uesio-studio project:

npx nx watch -p apps-uesio-studio --includeDependentProjects -- nx run-many -t build -p \$NX_PROJECT_NAME

Live Reload (for development)


Live reload is not currently supported when running against the docker image (e.g., npm run in-docker).

When running the platform, in addition to watching and rebuilding when files change, you likely want to have the platform itself and/or the browser to automatically reload after assets have been rebuilt.

See Live Reload for more details on how live reload works.

Depending on your preference, there are two options:

Platform & Browser

Whenever any changes are made to code within the platform go module itself or any of the libraries that are a part of the platform itself (e.g., libs/apps/uesio/studio, libs/apps/uesio/appkit, libs/ui, libs/vendor, etc.) the module/package will be rebuilt and if necessary, the platform automatically restarted. Additionally, the browser will automatically refresh.

In order to accomplish, the Air package must be installed on your machine. This is a one-time installation:

go install

Once Air is installed, you can simply run the following:

npm run watch-dev

Browser Only

Whenever any changes are made to code within the libraries that the platform uses (e.g., libs/apps/uesio/studio, libs/apps/uesio/appkit, libs/ui, libs/vendor, etc.), the module/package will be rebuilt and the browser reloaded. This is very similar to Platform & Browser but changes to the platform itself (e.g., *.go files) will not trigger a rebuild or a restart of the platform go module.

It is recommended to use Platform & Browser for live reload, however Browser Only can be used if you do not want to install Air or if you know you will not be making any changes to the platform module directly.

npm run watch-platform-deps # In a separate terminal
npm run start # In a separate terminal

(Optional) Using Uesio CLI globally

If you'd like to use the Uesio CLI that you have built elsewhere on your machine without having to explicitly reference the binary in dist/cli:

  • Mac OS/Linux: create a symlink for the Uesio CLI into your bin (NOT an alias, which won't work with nx): sudo ln -s <absolute project root path>/dist/cli/uesio /usr/local/bin
  • Windows: add <absolute project root path>/dist/cli to your PATH

Start dependencies

  1. Launch all local dependencies (e.g. Postgres) with Docker Compose:
docker compose up -d
  1. Seed your local Postgres database with everything Uesio needs for local development
npm run migrations
npm run seeds

Run the web application locally

npm start
open http://localhost:3000

If you have SSL and local DNS configured, you can access the Studio via the following "local" DNS:


To run the app in Docker locally:

npm run in-docker

Set up SSL

SSL is optional for local development. It is enabled using by setting the environment variable UESIO_USE_HTTPS=true

npm run setup-ssl

This script should create the certificate.crt and private.key files in the apps/platform/ssl directory.

On Windows/Linux, you will need to manually trust this self-signed certificate. On Mac OS, this is done automatically.

  • Windows: double-click certificate.crt in the File Explorer. Click "Install Certificate..." Then place the certificate in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".

Set up your local DNS

If you just want to work in the Uesio Studio site, local DNS setup is not necessary, you can just access "http://localhost:3000".

However, to simmulate how Uesio routes DNS domains and subdomains to Uesio sites, you need to configure your OS to properly route "local" DNS domains (e.g. "") to the Uesio app server running on localhost.

There are two ways to do this, you'll need to pick one:

  1. Modify /etc/hosts directly

    On Mac/Linux, modify the /etc/hosts file to resolve local subdomains to

    bash ./scripts/

  2. Use DNSMasq

    brew install dnsmasq

    The installation process will output several commands that you can use to start Dnsmasq automatically with a default configuration. I used the following commands but you should use whichever commands brew tells you to:

    sudo brew services start dnsmasq

Worker jobs

There are a number of worker jobs which Uesio runs in production, to handle things such as usage event aggregation, daily invoice generation, and potentially other future use cases (such as scheduled bots).

To run the worker process, use npm run nx -- worker platform (Or nx worker platform if you have nx installed globally):

> nx run platform:worker

{"message":"Running Uesio worker process","severity":"INFO"}
{"message":"Scheduling job Invoices with schedule: @daily","severity":"INFO"}
{"message":"Scheduling job Usage with schedule: * * * * *","severity":"INFO"}
{"message":"Finished loading all jobs, starting scheduler now...","severity":"INFO"}
{"message":"Cron job Invoices (1) next run will be at: Mar 22 00:00:00","severity":"INFO"}
{"message":"Cron job Usage (2) next run will be at: Mar 21 20:09:00","severity":"INFO"}

(Optional) Environment Variables

The following environment variables can optionally be configured in your Shell (e.g. in ~/.zshenv if you are using Zsh)

Environment Variable Description Default Examples, Values, and Help
UESIO_USE_HTTPS Whether or not to serve with TLS false true / false
HOST Host to use for HTTP server "" Set to "localhost" for local development
UESIO_PRIMARY_DOMAIN The primary domain to use for site identification purposes (e.g. for cloud, this is "") localhost (or "" if `UESIO_DEV=true`) If running on your own infrastructure, set to a 2-part TLD that you own.
UESIO_SESSION_STORE Allows you to specify the storage location for user sessions redis redis, filesystem, ""
UESIO_USERFILES_BUCKET_NAME The Bucket in AWS / local folder where user-uploaded files will be stored. ""
UESIO_BUNDLES_BUCKET_NAME The Bucket in AWS / local folder where bundles will be stored. ""
UESIO_STATIC_ASSETS_HOST Host from which to serve static files, including vendored JS (React) and Uesio assets "" By default, assets are served from the local filesystem / Docker container. Alternately, set this to a valid URL where Uesio static assets live, e.g. ""
UESIO_ALLOW_INSECURE_COOKIES Allows cookies without the secure flag true Useful in local docker development
UESIO_PLATFORM_FILESOURCE_TYPE Controls where user-uploaded files are stored uesio.local Either "uesio.local" (filesystem) or "uesio.s3" (store in AWS S3)
UESIO_PLATFORM_FILESOURCE_CREDENTIALS The name of the Uesio credential to use for saving user-uploaded files uesio/ Must be a fully-qualified Uesio credential name
UESIO_PLATFORM_BUNDLESTORE_TYPE Controls where Uesio bundles are stored uesio.local Either "uesio.local" (filesystem) or "uesio.s3" (store in AWS S3)
UESIO_PLATFORM_BUNDLESTORE_CREDENTIALS The name of the Uesio credential to use for saving bundlestore files uesio/ Must be a fully-qualified Uesio credential name
UESIO_DEV Enable various features for use in local development of Uesio false Set to "localhost" for local development
UESIO_DEBUG_SQL Enable detailed SQL query debugging false If enabled, all Wire loads will return a `debugQueryString` property containing the SQL queries made
UESIO_MOCK_AUTH Enables you to login with mock user accounts (which can be specified with `UESIO_MOCK_AUTH_USERNAMES`) false Only for local dev / unit tests
UESIO_MOCK_AUTH_USERNAMES A comma-separated list of usernames to use for mock authentication (requires `UESIO_MOCK_AUTH=true`) ben,abel,wessel,baxter,zach,uesio Only for local dev / unit tests
UESIO_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_SECONDS The number of seconds to wait before terminating the Uesio app / worker process 5 Should be less than whatever the ECS / Kubernetes / etc shutdown window is (usually 30)
UESIO_USAGE_JOB_RECURRENCE_MINUTES The number of minutes to wait between runs of the Usage worker job 10 Usage data (stored in Redis) will only be aggregated and committed to Postgres as often as this job is run by the worker process. Set to a lower window for more frequent checks.
UESIO_WORKER_MODE Determines whether the batch job worker will run as part of the serve command or as a separate process. separate separate: The worker will run as a separate process. combined: The worker will run as part of the serve command.
UESIO_USAGE_MODE Determines whether to handle usage in memory on the web server, or to use redis for multiple web servers. redis redis, memory
UESIO_PLATFORM_CACHE Determines whether to handle the platform cache in memory on the web server, or to use redis for multiple web servers. redis redis, memory
REDIS_HOST The host to connect to Redis
REDIS_PORT The port to connect to Redis 6739
REDIS_USER The Redis Username (If Necessary)
REDIS_PASSWORD The Redis Password (If Necessary)
REDIS_TTL Redis TTL Seconds 86400 Default is one day.
REDIS_TLS Whether or not to use TLS Mode false true or false
UESIO_DB_SSLMODE disable disable, allow, prefer, require, etc.

In addition, all Uesio Secrets can have their default value set by setting a corresponding UESIO_SECRET_<namespace>_<name> environment variable. Any value set for these secrets in a Site/Workspace will override the environment variable default, but it can often be useful, especially for local development, to configure a default value, so that you don't have to populate these secrets in every site. (Note: there is no corresponding feature for Config Values, because you can define a Config Value's default directly in the metadata definition).

For example, the uesio/appkit.resend_key secret's default value can be configured with export UESIO_SECRET_UESIO_APPKIT_RESEND_KEY=your-resend-key

npm dependencies

As mentioned in the monorepo section, a single package.json file describes the npm dependencies for the whole monorepo.

All npm modules we used are installed as development dependency since uesio is not intended to be released as standalone npm module.


We use golang-migrate package for running SQL migrations. This package maintains the current state of migration runs via a schema_migrations table.

Migrations can be run against your local using npm run migrations, or you can use ./uesio migrate [up|down] [NUMBER] to manually run a specific number of migrations, e.g. to undo the most recent migration, you can run ./uesio migrate down 1.

To run migrations in ECS, create a new one-off Task, using the latest Task Definition for "uesio", and modify the command to be ./uesio,migrate (or ./uesio,migrate,down,1) to undo one migration)

adding migrations

New migrations can be created using npm run migrate:create -- <SOME_NAME>

manually setting the migration "pointer"

To forcibly set the migration version to latest (currently 4), you can either use pgcli or some other DB tool to manually run the command update schema_migrations set version = 4, dirty = false against your database, or use this (assuming you install golang-migrate with brew):

brew install golang-migrate
export CONN_STR="postgres://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5432/postgresio?sslmode=disable"
migrate -path apps/platform/migrations -database "$CONN_STR" force 4

This will skip running any migrations but update schema_migrations table to think you've run them all up through 4

testing migrations

To test running migrations (against a separate pgtest database alongside your main postgresio database for dev), do the following (run from THIS top-level directory!):

docker compose up -d
bash apps/platform/migrations_test/

Testing (Unit, Integration & E2E)


The default behavior for all tests is to run against so you must ensure that SSL and local DNS have been configured.

To run the various test suites, there are a number of commands available:

  1. npm run tests
    • Runs all Unit tests
  2. npm run tests-all
    • Runs all Unit, Integration and E2E tests against your local Uesio app.
    • Use this when writing and debugging tests locally
  3. npm run tests-docker
    • This is what we run in Github Actions CI builds for integration & E2E tests. It builds the latest code, spins up all dependencies, and a Dockerized version of the Uesio app, runs integration and E2E tests against the app, and then spins down all Docker containers.
  4. npm run tests-integration
    • Runs just the Integration Tests (against your local app).
  5. npm run tests-e2e
    • Runs just the E2E Tests (against your local app).
  6. npm run tests-init
    • Deletes the uesio/tests app if it exists and then creates the uesio/tests app with related workspaces and sites and loads seed data. All of the above scripts execute this script automatically so there is not typically a need to run it. However, if you want to run individual tests (via hurl, cypress, etc.) separate from one of the above scripts which runs an entire suite, you will need to run this script to prepare for test execution.
  7. npm run tests-cleanup
    • Removes the uesio/tests app (if it exists). Similar to tests-init, the automated test suite scripts will execute this script prior to completion. However, if a test run terminates abnormally and/or if you ran tests-init manually, you can execute this script to remove the test related uesio/tests app.
  8. npm run tests-cypress-open
  9. npm run tests-cypress-run
    • Runs the cypress in headless mode, helpful when you want to run individual tests. See E2E testing with cypress for details.

TO run just an individual E2E or Integration test, see the sections below.


You must manually run npm run tests-init in order to run individual tests. Depending on the test, you may need to re-run this script prior to every test execution. Additionally, ensure that UESIO_DEV=true environment variable is set prior to starting the server and for each test so that mock logins can be used.

E2E testing with Cypress

We use Cypress for writing end-to-end tests of the Uesio app. All E2E tests are defined in apps/platform-e2e directory.

E2E tests are the most expensive and most brittle, and as such should be used sparingly.

If you're running Uesio locally, you can use npm run tests-cypress-open to launch Cypress' visual UI for running tests, or npm run tests-e2e to just run all the tests in a headless runner. Note that when running using the visual UI or when running individual tests as per the below, you must have the UESIO_DEV=true environment variable set and have run npm run tests-init.

Running a single E2E spec

If you want to visually run a single spec, use the Cypress visual UI and then select the individual spec.

Or, use npm run tests-cypress-run -- --spec <path to spec> to run a specific file in a headless Electron instance, e.g.

npx run tests-cypress-run -- --spec apps/platform-e2e/cypress/e2e/

Integration / API testing with Hurl

We use Hurl for running integration tests against Uesio APIs, and for performing load testing against APIs. Hurl provides a powerful text-based abstraction over curl suitable for defining suites of HTTP requests and assertions to make upon the responses.

To run API integration tests locally against your running Uesio container, use npm run tests-integration

Running a single Integration Test

The easiest way to run a single Integration Test is to go into the scripts/tests/ file and comment out the lines where we run all tests, and uncomment the lines here and then run npm run tests-integration:

# npx hurl --very-verbose -k --variable host=$UESIO_TEST_HOST_NAME --variable domain=$UESIO_TEST_DOMAIN --variable port=$UESIO_TEST_PORT apps/platform-integration-tests/hurl_specs/wire_collection_dependencies.hurl

You could run the individual test from the CLI, but you would have to make sure that you have the test app created and the right environment variables set up. If you would like to run via the CLI:

npm run tests-init # initialize test app/workspace/site/data/etc.
source scripts/tests/ # setup environment variables used in tests
npx hurl --very-verbose -k --variable host=$UESIO_TEST_HOST_NAME --variable domain=$UESIO_TEST_DOMAIN --variable port=$UESIO_TEST_PORT apps/platform-integration-tests/hurl_specs/wire_collection_dependencies.hurl

Continous integration (CI)

We use GitHub Actions for automated builds. All of our workflows live in ./github/workflows.

Creating a new release

We use Github Releases to manage releases of:

(a) the Uesio web/worker app - as a Docker image (b) the Uesio CLI - as a platform-specific binary

Here are the steps to create a new release:

  1. In Github, go to Draft a new release
  2. Enter a new tag name, using Semver names (e.g. v0.5.0)
  3. Click Generate release notes
  4. Click Publish release

That's it! This will kick off the "Release" Github Action, which will download the corresponding Docker image from AWS ECR and re-publish it to Github Container Registry with the corresponding version tag, as well as the latest tag. It will also generate CLI binaries for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

Code style

As much as possible, our code style and format is codified with eslint and Prettier. We cherry-picked some rules from the Airbnb JavaScriopt Style Guide, Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide and the React+TypeScript Cheatsheets.

For Redux, we follow the Redux Style Guide with some exceptions. More details on that here.

For Go package naming, we follow this guideline.

Tech Stack


  • Cobra. CLI for Go application.
  • gorilla/mux. Web framework in Go.
  • goja. JavaScript engine implemented in Go.


  • Node.js. For package management, building process, and development.
  • TypeScript. For strong typing of JavaScript code.
  • React. Framework for UI components.
  • Redux. State store for the application's frontend data.
  • Redux-toolkit. Bootstrap for Redux.

Managing Dependencies

  1. We're pinning monaco to version 0.50.0 for now because of this bug.
    • The issue only seems to occur when running the Cypress tests (haven't been able to reproduce in a live browser when using builder) and only tests fail (believe this is the only test that uses the code panel but not 100% sure).
    • Given the issue is intermittent, it is likely some type of race condition either in the browser and/or in cypress.
    • Only experienced the failure on @humandad machine (2019 Intel-based MacBook Pro)which does seem to run perf tests slower than other machines so possibly the slower execution/latency is the key to encountering the issue.
    • Need to continue to monitor the monaco-editor issue along with eventually updating to cypress 14 when nx supports it (see #5 below).
  2. nx and its plugins need to be pinned to specific versions as the version of all of them must match per their docs. Running npx nx migrate will ensure that all are kept in-sync.
  3. When running npm install there are errors related to inflight@1.0.6, abab@2.0.6, glob@7.2.3, domexception@4.0.0 that all are dependencies of jest and its related tooling. There is a jest@next package (currently v30.0.0-alpha.6) that should address most (and hopefully) all of these. See:
  4. Unable to update to eslint-config-prettier v10 due to @nx/eslint-plugin not supporting it yet ( See nrwl/nx#30145.
  5. Unable to update to cypress v14 due to @nx/cypress not supporting it yet ( See nrwl/nx#30097.