This is a Laravel & Inertia.js-based Book Collection application. It allows users to manage a collection of books, including functionalities to filter, view, create, edit, and delete books. The frontend is built using Vue.js and styled with Tailwind CSS.
- CRUD Operations: Create, Read, Update, and Soft Delete books.
- Filter Books: Filter by status (available, borrowed, reserved) and published year.
- Pagination: Paginated list of books with dynamic per-page item selection.
- Responsive Design: Clean, mobile-first UI built with Tailwind CSS.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- PHP (>= 8.1)
- Composer
- Node.js & NPM
- Laravel (>= 9.x)
- MySQL or any other database supported by Laravel
Follow the steps below to get your environment up and running.
git clone
cd bibliotheca
Install PHP dependencies using Composer:
composer install
Copy the .env.example
file to .env
cp .env.example .env
Edit the .env
file to configure your database and other environment settings:
Run the following command to generate the application key:
php artisan key:generate
Run the migrations to create the necessary database tables:
php artisan migrate
If you'd like to populate the database with sample data, you can run:
php artisan db:seed
Install the frontend dependencies using NPM:
npm install
Build the frontend assets:
npm run dev
Start the Laravel development server:
php artisan serve
Now, you can access the application by visiting
in your browser.
- Books Index: Displays a paginated list of books with filtering options (by status and year).
- Book Show: Displays the details of a single book.
- Create Book: A form to add a new book to the collection.
- Edit Book: A form to edit an existing book's details.
You can filter the books by:
- Status: Choose from available, borrowed, or reserved.
- Year: Enter a specific year to filter books by their published year.
The list of books is paginated. By difault the items per page is 3 but you can adjust with a query param ?page=1&perPage=2 (Example: http://localhost:8000/books?page=1&perPage=2)
To run tests:
php artisan test