Summer 2020
Welcome to CS 24! Lecture notes and programming assignments will be linked here as they're released. If you're looking for administrative information, check the syllabus. If you're looking for links specific to this session, or just have questions, head over to Piazza.
09:00 to 09:50 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
- Intro to Git: Tuesday, June 23rd
- The Stack and the Heap: Thursday, June 25th
- Structs and Classes: Thursday, July 2nd
All assignments are individual assignents.
- Welcome: Git some practice.
- Chunky List: Fun with pointers.
- Calculator: Putting stacks to work.
- Convert: Trees and recursion.
- Gene Pool: Sets, maps, and family trees.
You can work on challenge labs in pairs if you choose to.
- Noodle Shop: Making noodles (and money).
- Call Center: Get your priorities straight.
- Vaccinate: Solution distribution.