- Node.js
Download here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ - maven
Installation steps: https://maven.apache.org/install.html - Java 11
Installation steps: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk11-downloads.html
The next step to setup the "client_id" for your app in the ".env". Go to this link: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials and create a project. In the OAuth consent screen, you should set the user type to "external." Now go ahead to the "credentials" screen and add a new "OAuth Client ID."
When adding an "OAuth Client ID," add it for a "web application" and remember to set the "Authorized JavaScript origins" and "Authorized redirect URIs" to "http://localhost:3000" , "https://localhost:3000" , "http://localhost:8080" , "https://localhost:8080" , and "https://t2-food-banks.herokuapp.com/".
In your folder, copy a file called ".env.SAMPLE" into ".env". Finally add your "client_id" (e.g. XXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com
) into your ".env" file as REACT_APP_AUTH_CLIENT_ID
. (P.S. Please leave the REACT_APP_ADMIN_EMAILS
here for a second. We will dive into that in Setting Admin Account section.)
Contribution: Vincent Tieu
As you've already obtain a ".env" file from the Adding Google Authentification step. Just simply add emails you want to use as an admin emails sperating by commas (no space). e.g. REACT_APP_ADMIN_EMAILS=liuhaowu@ucsb.edu,tianchenwang@ucsb.edu,kaiwen_li@ucsb.edu,xu_gao@ucsb.edu,jamesschwellenbach@ucsb.edu
(You want to use your own emails here).
You might not want to put emails of every member into the file as admin accounts, as you also want to test the web app in an non-admin mode.
P.S. In our web app, we only allow admin accounts to access the staff portal to modify our food bank inventory.
Finally, we are here for intallation! Choose one of the following mode you want to access our web app and then type the command lines in your terminal as instructed. Good luck and have fun!
git clone git@github.com:ucsb-cs148-s21/1pm-t2-food-bank.git
Run full-stack locally via
After downloading the project to local machine, change directory to 1pm-t2-food-bank folder,
cd 1pm-t2-food-bank
then run the following command.
mvn spring-boot:run
Run frontend only via
Make sure you have run full-stack at least once before doing:
cd 1pm-t2-food-bank/React npm install npm start
Run frontend and backend separately (Developer Mode)
Run in this way when only editing frontend to get realtime update on website:
- First termial, run in React directory:
cd React npm install npm run build npm start
- Second terminal, run in 1pm-t2-food-bank directory:
mvn spring-boot:run -Dskip.npm