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Tyler Danstrom edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 1 revision


communication protocol: Web

communication methods: GET

error conditions(s): None

This endpoint is GUARANTEED to return a list of contexts available from the root of the API.


communication protocols: Web

communication methods: GET

error conditions(s): None

This endpoint is GUARANTEED to return an up-to-date list of collections.

  • request: /collections
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: aggregate
  • response: contains items element and inside items an item element that contains a URI resolvable to a particular collection

/collections/[collection identifier/sub-collection identifier/sub-sub-collection identifier]

communication protocols: Web

communication methods: GET

error condition(s): one or more collection identifiers in hierarchy does not exist

The GET method for this endpoint is GUARANTEED to return an up-to-date list of collections that are subordinate to the collection identified.

  • request: /units/[collection identifier/sub-collection identifier/sub-sub-collection identifier]
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: aggregate
  • response: contains items element and inside items an item element that contains a URI resolvable to a particular collection

/collection/[collection identifier]

communication protocol: Web

communication methods: GET, POST, PUT

error condition(s): no collection matching the identifier can be found

The GET method for this endpoint is GUARANTEED to return a list of endpoints available for the collection identified

  • request: /collection/[collection identifer]
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: aggregate
  • response: contains items element and inside items an item element that contains a URI resolvable to a particular endpoint available from the endpoint for this collection

The POST method for this endpoint is GUARANTEED to create a new collection if the POST data obeys the CONTRACT for POST data.

  • the collection is unique to the ldr metadata storage system
  • There MUST be ONLY one dc:title elements
  • There MUST be AT LEAST one dc:relation element
  • There MUST be AT LEAST one dc:identifier element
  • There MUST be ONLY one dc:date element
  • There MAY be ONLY one proxies element
  • See Contract for POST submissions to the ldr metadata storage section for how to interpret these specific rules

The PUT method for this endpoint is is GUARANTEED to modify the record for the collection identified. The only modification allowed is to add an extension to a collection.

  • the collection must exist in the ldr metadata storage system
  • there MAY be a ONLY one dc:description element which describes the importance of the new proxy metadata for the collection it is being added to
  • there MUST be ONLY one ldr:data element which contains a base64 representation of the proxy metadata being added. This proxy metadata may be in any format: binary, text, json, xml, et cetera.
  • See contract for POST submissions to the ldr metadata storage section for more information

/collection/[collection identifier]/core

communication protocol: Web

communication methods: GET

error conditions: no "core" resource available

This endpoint is GUARANTEED to return the core metadata for the collection identified.

  • request: /collection/[collection identifer]/core
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: atomic
  • response: contains metadata element and inside metadata element is the core metadata for this particular collection

/collection/[collection identifier]/proxies

communication protocol: Web

communication methods: GET

error conditions: no proxies available

This endpoint is GUARANTEED to return a listing of all proxy resources available for the collection identified.

  • request: /collection/[intellectual unit identifer]/proxies
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: aggregate
  • response: contains items element and inside items an item element that contains a URI resolvable to a particular proxy endpoint available for this particular collection

/collection/[collection identifier]/proxies/[proxy identifier]

communication protocol: Web

communication methods: GET

error conditions: proxy requested does not exist

This endpoint is GUARANTEED to return a particular proxy resource identified by proxy identifier that is available to describe the collection identified by collection identifier.

  • request: /collection/[collection identifer]/proxies/[proxy identifer]
  • requestReceivedTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseSentTimeStamp: [ISO-8601 date and time]
  • responseType: atomic
  • response: contains proxy element and inside proxy element is the proxy metadata available at this proxy identifier for the particular collection