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mcradmin edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 3 revisions

How to install the PURL server

The PURL server is implemented in Java 11 and based on the Spring Boot Framework. The data is stored in a MySQL database.


Create MySQL database

Install a recent version of MySQL Community Edition Server and create a new user for the PURL server database.

Create Schema

> CREATE SCHEMA 'purl_server';

Install application

At first you should make sure, that you have installed a recent Java Version. It is recommended to install the current long time support version (LTS) OpenJDK 11.

After that you may look into the documentation Deploying Spring Boot Applications for further information on installation and deployment.

The PURL server application is provided as stand-alone JAR file.

Configure application

At first you need to override some properties to configure database and e-mail server. You may follow the Spring recommendation and create an file in the current directory (where the JAR file is located).

# MySQL database parameter

# E-mail server configuration

Now you may start the application for the first time:

java -jar purl_server-0.x.y.jar

The PURL server application was build as fully executable jar. To install it in a production enviroment you may follow the Spring Boot guidelines and register it as a service.

Configuration of the web application

At the beginning you should modify the admin user!

The initial login is admin / admin.

Goto User / Seach for a User search for admin and provider a proper name, institution and e-mail address. After that you may reset the password through the "reset password" link on the login page.

=== TODO

  • configure as service
  • support for HTPPS a) application on port 443 + certificate configuration with Spring b) Apache as proxy server