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Ubiquity Dollar

Introducing the flagship product of Ubiquity DAO. The Ubiquity Dollar (UUSD) is a collateralized stablecoin.


  • We welcome everybody to participate in improving the codebase and provide feedback on opened issues.
  • We offer financial incentives for solved issues.
  • Learn how to contribute via the DevPool here.



  • NodeJS Version >=18
  • Yarn
  • We use Foundry, check their docs. Please follow their installation guide for your OS before proceeding.

Development Setup


git clone
cd ubiquity-dollar
yarn # fetch dependencies
yarn build:all # builds the smart contracts and user interface

# Optional
yarn build:dapp # to only build the UI useful for debugging
yarn build:contracts # to only build the Smart Contracts

yarn start # starts the user interface and daemonize'd to continue to run tests in the background
yarn test:all # We run all the tests!

Running workspace specific/individual commands

Using yarn workspaces, you can invoke scripts for each workspace individually.


yarn workspace @ubiquity/contracts $SCRIPT_NAME
yarn workspace @ubiquity/dapp $SCRIPT_NAME

# Some commands...

yarn workspace @ubiquity/contracts build # Build smart contracts
yarn workspace @ubiquity/contracts test # Run the smart contract unit tests

yarn workspace @ubiquity/dapp build # Build the user interface
yarn workspace @ubiquity/dapp start # Run the web application at http://localhost:3000

# check for more yarn workspaces flexixble use cases

Committing Code/Sending PRs

  1. We automatically enforce the conventional commits format for commit messages.

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of.

  1. We use prettier, eslint and cspell on staged files in order to enforce a uniform code style. Please do not circumvent these rules.

  2. We require all PRs to meet the issues expectation and/or to follow the discussions accordingly and implement all necessary changes and feedback by reviewers.

  3. We run CI jobs all CI jobs must pass before committing/merging a PR with no exceptions (usually a few exceptions while the PR it's getting reviewed and the maintainers highlight a job run that may skip)

  4. We run Solhint to enforce a pre-set selected number of rules for code quality/style on Smart Contracts

Network Settings

Network Chain ID RPC Endpoint Comment
mainnet 1 Public Mainnet Gateway
anvil 31337 Used for local development
sepolia 11155111 Use any public available RPC for Sepolia testing

Deploying Contracts (Ubiquity Dollar Core)

You need to create a new .env file and set all necessary env variables, example:

# Admin private key (grants access to restricted contracts methods).
# By default set to the private key from the 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8 address
# which is the 2nd address derived from test mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk".

# Collateral token address (used in UbiquityPoolFacet, allows users to mint/redeem Dollars in exchange for collateral token).
# By default set to LUSD address in ethereum mainnet.
# - mainnet: 0x5f98805A4E8be255a32880FDeC7F6728C6568bA0 (LUSD)
# - testnet/anvil: deploys collateral ERC20 token from scratch

# Collateral token price feed address from chainlink.
# By default set to LUSD/USD price feed deployed on ethereum mainnet.
# This price feed is used in 2 cases:
# 1) To calculate collateral price in USD
# 2) To calculate Dollar price in USD
# Since collateral token (LUSD) is the same one used in Curve's plain pool (LUSD-Dollar)
# we share the same price feed in:
# 1) `LibUbiquityPool.setCollateralChainLinkPriceFeed()` (to calculate collateral price in USD)
# 2) `LibUbiquityPool.setStableUsdChainLinkPriceFeed()` (to calculate Dollar price in USD)
# - mainnet: uses already deployed LUSD/USD chainlink price feed
# - testnet/anvil: deploys LUSD/USD chainlink price feed from scratch

# Curve's Governance/WETH pool address.
# Used to fetch Governance/ETH price from built-in oracle.
# By default set to already deployed (production ready) Governance/WETH pool address.
# - mainnet: uses already deployed Governance/ETH pool address
# - testnet/anvil: deploys Governance/WETH pool from scratch

# Chainlink price feed address for ETH/USD pair.
# Used to calculate Governance token price in USD.
# By default set to ETH/USD price feed deployed on ethereum mainnet.
# - mainnet: uses already deployed ETH/USD chainlink price feed
# - testnet/anvil: deploys ETH/USD chainlink price feed from scratch

# Dollar amount in wei minted initially to owner to provide liquidity to the Curve LUSD-Dollar plain pool
# By default set to 25k Dollar tokens

# Owner private key (grants access to updating Diamond facets and setting TWAP oracle address).
# By default set to the private key from the 0xf39fd6e51aad88f6f4ce6ab8827279cfffb92266 address
# which is the 1st address derived from test mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk".

# RPC URL (used in contract migrations)
# - anvil:
# - testnet:
# - mainnet:

We provide an .env.example file pre-set with recommend testing environment variables but you are free to modify or experiment with different values on your local branch.

Then in two separate terminals run the following commands:

# starts the anvil forked mainnet/testnet network (depends on your .env config)
yarn workspace @ubiquity/contracts start:anvil

# Optional
yarn start:anvil # same as above but shorter
# deploys the contracts to the anvil testnet or your desired network

yarn workspace @ubiquity/contracts deploy:development

# Optional
yarn deploy:development # same as above

If successful it will output the accounts generated from the test mnemonic (test test test test test test test test test test test junk) and the port it's listening on.

Our Official Deployments

Ethereum Mainnet

Contract Address
Diamond 0xED3084c98148e2528DaDCB53C56352e549C488fA
AccessControlFacet 0xe17a61e55ccbc3d1e56b6a26ea1d4f8382a40ad9
DiamondCutFacet 0xd3c81bd07948a38546bca894f8bfecb552613798
DiamondLoupeFacet 0xd11b60c336a8416162272475ff9df572e516fc51
ManagerFacet 0x0e9f3299b9443d3d5130771f26b7e18a2a7aa9db
OwnershipFacet 0x58860e93b6fc7a6e4abd0f5d851a88654a34d0c0
UbiquityPoolFacet 0xb64f2347752192f51930ad6ad3bea0b3a2074fac
UbiquityDollarToken 0xb6919Ef2ee4aFC163BC954C5678e2BB570c2D103
UbiquityGovernanceToken 0x4e38D89362f7e5db0096CE44ebD021c3962aA9a0
UbiquityAlgorithmicDollarManager 0x4DA97a8b831C345dBe6d16FF7432DF2b7b776d98
BondingV2 0xc251ecd9f1bd5230823f9a0f99a44a87ddd4ca38
BondingShareV2 0x2da07859613c14f6f05c97efe37b9b4f212b5ef5
MasterChefV2.1 0xdae807071b5ac7b6a2a343bead19929426dbc998
Treasury 0xefC0e701A824943b469a694aC564Aa1efF7Ab7dd
LUSD/UUSD Curve Pool 0xcc68509f9ca0e1ed119eac7c468ec1b1c42f384f
UBQ/WETH Curve Pool 0xacdc85afcd8b83eb171affcbe29fad204f6ae45c

Gnosis Chain

Contract Address
UbiquityDollarToken.sol 0xc6ed4f520f6a4e4dc27273509239b7f8a68d2068
Treasury 0xefC0e701A824943b469a694aC564Aa1efF7Ab7dd
WXDAI/UUSD Curve Pool 0xf3e3376B15aCA6dC3852B131B7dE4851754062eB

For more information about deployments please refer to the smart contracts wiki page. For an extended list of deprecated deployments, please visit this page.


We have a Wiki! feel free to browse it as there is a lot of useful information about the whole repo

Yarn Workspaces

The repo has been built as a yarn workspace monorepo.

├── packages
│   ├── contracts: Smart contracts for Ubiquity Dollar and UbiquiStick
│   ├── dapp: User interface

Codebase Diagram

Interactive Version

Smart Contracts

Visualization of the smart contracts codebase

User Interface

Visualization of the user interface codebase


2024 - Sherlock

Sine stabilitate nihil habemus.