Tezket -- "Tezos Ticket", Backend operator -- Mint NFT ticket (Tezos Smartcontract)., MIT LICENSE
Version 2 -- Revision by TezKet
- Pitch Gist! -- Intro & Roadmap.
- rn-tezket -- ReactNative app, Buy NFT ticket and use QR to control admittance at the gate.
- nft-tezket -- Backend operator, Mint NFT ticket (Tezos Smartcontract).
nvm use v16.14.0
npm install
node ./script/build.js # pls, install ligo compiler.
node ./script/deploy.js
node ./script/activateAccounts.js # (optional) use faucet1.json for deployer.
export default {
npm run start
npm run dev # dev mode!
- New file on ticket folder.
- ticket/*
\ New Ticket Type (json)
- image
- mint/qr
- Edit ticket/new-ticket-type.json.
"name": "The Garden City",
"baseimg": "image/1234_SQ1",
"tag": "1 DAY PASS",
"keyword": "The Silicon Valley of India.",
"description": "Bengaluru (also called Bangalore) is the center of India's high-tech\nindustry. The city is also known for its parks and nightlife.",
"timepref": "Vaild in 22/07/2022",
"render": "SQ1QR"
- Patch API '/mint' with new-render-type or use defaults "SQ1QR".
else if(mintTicket.render == "new-ticket-type") {
- (optional) Customize ticket-template with SVG.
const svgImage = `
<svg width="${width}" height="${height}">
.ticketName { fill: #001; font-size: 25px; font-weight: bold;}
.ticketMeta { fill: #001; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;}
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="white" />
<text x="22" y="608" text-anchor="left" class="ticketMeta">MINT DATE: ${timestamp}</text>
- Edit new ticket type on src/screens/Tickets.tsx. rn-tezket
export const TicketList: TicketInfo[] = [
- Use ExpressJS/TS for API TypeScript Server.
- Storage NFT Ticket via Pinata.
- Many thanks -- Taquito for Tezos blockchain.