IN DEVELOPMENT! Questions? Ask Alison -
- "Works" - but does not handle errors well! Use at your discretion
- ⛔️ You cannot "undo" assignment of peer reviews! When you run the script it will delete any existing peer reviews even if there is an error (and no other peer reviews are assigned)
The jupyter notebook dash-app.ipynb allows the user to select an assignment, select canvas group sets and assigns X peer reviews.
- You need to have created a .env file -> add your url, token, and course_id
- This process allows you to select an assignment and a group set from your course
- You can then N peer reviews that will be applied within the groups in the selected group set
Note: you must set N to at least 1 less than members in the groups
⚠️ Running this will delete ALL current peer reviews for the assignment (this cannot be undone)- The peer review assignment is random, so when you run will be different each time
- The data for a course is pulled once, so you must Restart and Run All in Jupyter if any Canvas changes are made
▶️ If you make any changes you need to select Kernel -> Restart & Run All to refresh the data
Are you Sauder Operations Staff? Please go here for detailed instructions to run in Jupyter. ("The Project", or "the-project" is "canvas-create-group-peer-review" or "Canvas Create Group Peer Review").
Project uses conda to manage environment (See official conda documentation here)
- Ensure you have conda installed (Python 3.9 version)
- Clone canvas-create-group-peer-review repository
- Import environment (once):
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
- Create .env file and include:
Your .env file should be in this project folder.
Update your .env file
- navigate to your directory
$ cd YOUR_PATH/canvas-create-group-peer-reviews
- activate the environment (see step 3 on first run)
$ conda activate canvas-create-group-peer-review
- in terminal launch jupyter notebook
$ jupyter notebook dash-app.ipynb
- follow prompts in jupyter notebook
- navigate to your directory
authors: @alisonmyers