This repository is the Cocoapods repository for kbsky. kbsky is a Bluesky/ATProtocol client library created using Kotlin Multiplatform. Therefore, it can be built and used on Apple devices such as iOS. Here, we distribute the library built as an XCFramework via Cocoapods. Also, this repository is automatically committed by kbsky's GitHub Actions, so please send issues and pull requests to kbsky.
Please add the following lines to your Podfile. There is no specific version for this repository, and it corresponds to the branch that matches the version of kbsky. The version to use is determined by specifying the branch of this repository. Check the Branch List for the branch corresponding to your version. Additionally, different dependencies are used for Debug and Release builds.
target '{{PROJECT_NAME}}' do
# Pods for kbsky
pod 'kbsky-debug',
:configuration => ['Debug'],
:git => '',
:branch => '{{BRANCH_NAME}}'
pod 'kbsky-release',
:configuration => ['Release'],
:git => '',
:branch => '{{BRANCH_NAME}}'
While it can be used in Objective-C as well, here is an example of usage in Swift. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the README of kbsky.
let response = BskyFactory()
.atproto(apiUri: "")
repo: "",
collection: "",
rkey: nil,
uri: "at://did:plc:bwdof2anluuf5wmfy2upgulw/"
print( ?? "nil")
MIT License