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Naming Restrictions

Marius edited this page Aug 20, 2014 · 2 revisions

Naming Restrictions

  • Disallowed namespace names:
    • Mage - Even if there is no issue if your use the Mage namespace, I rather leave that only for the core modules. Be creative.
  • Disallowed module names:
    • Any module name that already exists. This restriction may be removed soon.
  • Disallowed entity names: The following names are not allowed because it might create a conflict in the folder structure and you may end up with a non-functional module.
    • resource
    • setup,
    • attribute,
    • system,
    • flat,
    • data,
    • collection,
    • adminhtml,
    • widget,
    • observer,
    • tree,
    • image,
    • node,
    • api,
    • comment
  • Disallowed field/attribute names: Some attributes/fields will be automatically added to your entities depending on entity configuration. You cannot add these attributes manually also.
    • created_at - it will always be added automatically
    • updated_at - it will always be added automatically
    • status - it will always be added automatically,
    • in_rss - is restricted only if you choose to have RSS feeds for your entity
    • meta_title - is restricted only if you choose to have SEO attribute for your entity.
    • meta_description - is restricted only if you choose to have SEO attribute for your entity.
    • meta_keywords - is restricted only if you choose to have SEO attribute for your entity.
    • parent_id - is restricted for tree entities
    • level - is restricted for tree entities
    • children_count - is restricted for tree entities
    • path - is restricted for tree entities
    • node - always restricted
    • url_key- is restricted for entities that have url rewrites enabled.

This list may not be complete. If you find a string that should be in the restriction list please notify me.

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