Searching for typosquatted packages in PyPi.
usage: [-h] -p PACKAGENAME [-v] [-l LIMIT] [-var] [-ko] [-pr] [-o OUTPUT] [-fo FORMATOUTPUT] [-a] [-ada] [-add] [-cho] [-cddu] [-cm] [-hp] [-md] [-ns] [-om] [-repe] [-repl] [-sd] [-sp] [-vs]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
package name
-v verbose, more display
-l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
limit of variations
-var, --givevariations
give the algo that generate variations
-ko, --keeporiginal Keep in the result list the original package name
-pr, --pypiresolver Find which variations is a package on pypi
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
path to ouput location
format for the output file, yara - regex - yaml - text. Default: text
-a, --all Use all algo
-ada, --adddash Add a dash between the first and last character in a string
-add, --addition Add a character
-cho, --changeorder Change the order of letters in word
-cddu, --changedotdashunderscore
Change dot to dash
-cm, --commonmisspelling
Change a word by is misspellings
-hp, --homophones Change word by an other who sound the same when spoken
-md, --missingdot Delete dots one by one
-ns, --numeralswap Change a numbers to words and vice versa. Ex:,
-om, --omission Leave out a letter
-repe, --repetition Character Repeat
-repl, --replacement Character replacement
-sd, --stripdash Delete of a dash
-sp, --singularpluralize
Create by making a singular package name plural and vice versa
-vs, --vowelswap Swap vowels
Algo | Description |
AddDash | These typos are created by adding a dash between the first and last character in a string. |
Addition | These typos are created by add a characters in the domain name. |
ChangeDotDashUnderscore | These typos are created by changing a dot to a dash. |
ChangeOrder | These typos are created by changing the order of letters in the each part of the domain. |
CommonMisspelling | These typos are created by changing a word by is misspelling. Over 8000 common misspellings from Wikipedia. For example, becomes |
Homophones | These typos are created by changing word by an other who sound the same when spoken. Over 450 sets of words that sound the same when spoken. For example, becomes |
MissingDot | These typos are created by deleting a dot from the domain name. |
NumeralSwap | These typos are created by changing a number to words and vice versa. For example, becomes |
Omission | These typos are created by leaving out a letter of the domain name, one letter at a time. |
Repetition | These typos are created by repeating a letter of the domain name. |
Replacement | These typos are created by replacing each letter of the domain name |
StripDash | These typos are created by deleting a dash from the domain name. |
SingularPluralize | These typos are created by making a singular domain plural and vice versa. |
VowelSwap | These typos are created by swapping vowels within the domain name except for the first letter. For example, becomes |