storm docker image for production deploy on kubernetes
docker build -t <name>/storm-base base
docker build -t <name>/storm-nimbus nimbus
docker build -t <name>/storm-worker worker
Auto built at
- NOTE: make sure to configure xxxx files to use your own zookeeper address and zookeeper root. We use an explicit zookeeper cluster on production to ensure write performance.
kubectl create -f kubernetes/*.json
to build the sample topology:
cd storm_logcount_demo/
mvn package
This will build and pack the topology and put the jar file under 'target' directory. Copy the jar file to the storm client machine(you can use typhoon1986/storm-docker to create a pod, and copy the jar into the container) and run:
/opt/apache-storm/bin/storm jar /path/to/stormdemo-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar storm.storm_logcount_demo.StormLogCountDemo
we use NodePort to publish storm ui, findout the storm-ui pod ip, and open in web browser: http://:40003