User interface around Klusta suite, an open-source software for neuroscience.
The application allows to:
- easily browse through recording sessions
- create parameter and probe files (.prm, .prb) from models, to be use with
- schedule a list of sessions to process with
, that can run eiter locally or on a remote computer - back up the data automatically before and after the processing
Python 3.4 and PyQt4 Should also work with Python 2.7
With Miniconda or Anaconda installed, do:
conda update conda
conda install pyqt
NB: the application has only been tested in Linux OpenSuse 13
Download source folder or clone the repository
git clone cd klusta_process_manager
In a terminal, in the application's folder (where there is a file):
python install sudo python
The install should have created a folder "processManager" in your home. Inside, you'll find a file userConfig.json where you can change the default parameters.
In this folder, the application is also going to save data in small .db or .save files. If you encounter bugs, you can try to delete those files and restart the application. For now, a database (.db) is created for a given path_to_data and path_to_back_up. An is created if you close the app while processing experiments on the server.
In a terminal, anywhere:
> klusta_process_manager
Or through the shortcut in the menu All Applications > applications > klusta_process_manager
NB: you can put a shortcut on the desktop, but not on the task bar ("show a launcher when not running" doesn't work)
If you have issues with 'Can not open ...x.db', check if you have the file '' in anaconda/plugins/sqldrivers (or in miniconda/...). This file can be found in the 'other' folder of this app.
Synchronisation between local data and back-up is made with the command line tool rsync.
By default, three different rsync lines:
From local to back-up:
rsync -rlzutO
From back-up to local:
rsync -rlzutO --exlude=*dat
From back-up to computer server:
rsync -rlzutO --prune-empty-dirs --include */ --include=*.prm --include=*.prb --include=*.dat --exclude=*
Parameters in
To launch the server