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This repository was archived by the owner on May 18, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Redux Isomorphic Starter Kit

This kit has all what you need to start new app ;) You can find here integrated React with Redux and Router, implemented simple JWT (JSON Web Tokens) authentication, CSS Module and all is isomorphic so Server Side Rendering works great. Dev server works with hot reloading (with react and css modules).

Go below to read about all used tools and technology.

Install and run

After clone repository you need to run:

  • npm install
  • npm run dist for build files
  • npm run serve and go to page http://localhost:3000 for dev server

Available commands

  • npm run dist [-- --api_uri] - compiling files (files version for production NODE_ENV=production) - you can use api_uri parameter to change api_uri config value
  • npm run server [-- --api_uri] - running simple node server - without compile so you need run dist method first - you can use api_uri parameter to change api_uri config value
  • npm run serve [-- --api_uri] - running hot dev server (default on http://localhost:3000) - you can use api_uri parameter to change api_uri config value (example: npm run serve -- --api_uri=http:\/\/localhost:8080\/api\/v1\/)
  • npm run test - running mocha tests
  • npm run test-watch - running mocha tests in watch mode
  • npm run lint - running eslint

Check package.json for aliases.



  • Add isomorphic pre-fetching data
    • Change pre-fetching data to use decorators
  • Internationalization
  • Authorization (for pages/components)
  • Write tests
  • Better documentation


├── bin                        # Scripts for npm run
├── public                     # All built files (At this address should indicate the URL)
│   └── mock-api               # Mocked API files (only for example) - You can delete them
├── src                        # Application source code
│   ├── actions                # Redux actions
│   ├── components             # React Components
│   │   └── index.js           # File with all exported reducers (for easy use)
│   ├── containers             # React Components but for pages structures
│   │   └── index.js           # File with all exported reducers (for easy use)
│   ├── helpers                # Helper scripts
│   ├── middleware             # Redux middleware
│   ├── reducers               # Redux reducers
│   │   └── index.js           # File with all exported reducers (for easy use)
│   ├── stores                 # Redux stores configuration
│   ├── app.js                 # Application root file
│   ├── dev-server.js          # Application dev server root file
│   ├── routes.js              # Application routes definitions
│   └── server.js              # Application server root file
├── .eslint                    # ESLint config file for IDE
├── config.js                  # Base config file - used by Webpack, Babel, Webpack Isomorphic Tools, SSR and more
├── isomorphic-tool-config.js  # Config file for Webpack Isomorphic Tools
└── webpack-config.js          # Config file for Webpack

Tests must be in the directory __tests__ which should be in the ./src or deeper (check ./src/actions/__tests__). The test commands search for ./src/**/__tests__/**/*.js.

Used Tools

Used Technology

Tested on

  • node >=5.2.0
  • npm >=3.3.12


The MIT License (MIT)


React Redux Isomorphic Starter Kit







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