Designing an Encoder for StyleGAN Image Manipulation
Omer Tov, Yuval Alaluf, Yotam Nitzan, Or Patashnik, Daniel Cohen-Or. In SIGGRAPH, 2021.
The original page: [Project Page]
We implement the E4E encoder for facial images, both for StyleGAN2 and StyleGAN3.
The official weight are converted jittor for StyleGAN2. The weights for StyleGAN3 are trained by ourselves.
The Google Drive link:
Project real image into StyleGAN2 latent space :
python --images_path ./imgs/input/69918.png --save_path ./imgs/output/69918_stylegan2.png --ckpt ./weights/
Project real image into StyleGAN3 latent space:
python --images_path ./imgs/input/69918.png --save_path ./imgs/output/69918_stylegan3.png --ckpt ./weights/
This repository borrows partially from the original codes and Sketch_GAN repository.