Releases: twostack/dartsv
Release V2.1.0
This release includes various bug fixes and some improvements.
Bug Fixes
- Varint encoding was broken. Fixed
- Minor interpreter fixes
- Proper handling of OP_CODE_SEPARATOR with Sighash pre-image calculation
New Features
- Added dedicated SigHash preImage generator the SigHash() class. This is useful for working with OP_PUSH_TX.
Bugfix: Bigint amount incorrecly encoded during sighash
- Fixes a bug in the buffer conversion to a bigintLE during sighash preimage calculation
Bugfix: Uint64 error when using with Flutter Web
- Removed the writeUint64 and readUint64 calls since dart2js can't natively represent 64bit int in JS.
BugFix: Uint64 conversion errors with Dart2JS / Flutter Web
- Removed all direct reading and writing of Uint64 types. Dart2JS can't handle the size.
Removed uncessary FFI dependency
Hardened path verification / validation
- Added addtional regex check to the path validation string
- Exposed ChildNumber class in the API
Tightened up the fee calculations
- Removed the hard requirement of a change output during txn validation
- Removed the hard lower limit of 256 sats per transaction as a fee basis
fixed decimal display of coins
Solve/work-around for issue-54
- Problem: When importing the lib into flutter and attempting to
generate mnemonics, it fails with "Unsupported operation: Isolate.resolvePackageUri"
FIX: Allow passing a function to the library to help resolve resources using
Flutter AssetBundle APIs .
- Problem: When importing the lib into flutter and attempting to
Refactoring tests for clarity
Dart SDK version minimum set to 2.17
- Large data Transaction fixes. There was a bug which prevented the crafting of
large data transactions, i.e transactions with outputs that have PUSHDATA operations
that pushed more than 65k bytes onto the stack.
Release 2.0.0-RC1
Version 2.x of the library is a major refactor and breaks backwards compatibility
with several previous library APIs.
- A new
class for composing Transactions - Removal of the old Builder interface which was directly attached to the
class - A complete re-implementation of the Script Interpreter
- The
class now exposes the SigHash Pre-Image; useful when creatingOP_PUSH_TX
spending scripts. - A new
class to make it easy to create custom locking/unlocking scripts. - Merged contributed code to have better Flutter Web support.
Useability improvements and contributor patches
- downgraded test dependencies to for Flutter compatibility
- Exposed the DUST LIMIT and default feePerKb settings on the Transaction so user can manually change these.
- Also exported the TransactionInput class
- Added a property on the Transaction class that exposes the SigHash Preimage after signing.
- Add missing padding for Wif Format
- Add Javascript target support for Flutter/Web
- added additional test coverage for signatures
- added typing and convenience methods to HD key management
- Removed the inline code example
- Dart Version bump to include the 3.x branch
Resolved Null-safety warnings on project build
- Building an example project threw up some warnings related to the
PointyCastle ECPoint primitives and null-safety. I've made modifications to the library
implementation to resolve these compiler warnings.
- Null-Safety Update
- All dependencies have been upgraded or replaced with null-safe equivalents.
- Minimum Dart version is now 2.12.2