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Freek Dijkstra edited this page May 14, 2018 · 12 revisions

nbt.nbt Module

Handle the NBT (Named Binary Tag) data format

exception nbt.nbt.MalformedFileError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised on parse error.

class nbt.nbt.TAG(value=None, name=None)

Bases: object

TAG, a variable with an intrinsic name.

id = None

__init__(value=None, name=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return Unicode string with class, name and unnested value.


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.


Return formated Unicode string of self, where iterable items are recursively listed in detail.


Return a unicode string with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result

is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) describing the class, name and id for debugging purposes.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Byte(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 byte.

id = 1

fmt = <Struct object>

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Short(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 short.

id = 2

fmt = <Struct object>

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Int(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 int.

id = 3

fmt = <Struct object>

Struct(“>i”), 32-bits integer, big-endian

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Long(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 long.

id = 4

fmt = <Struct object>

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Float(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 IEEE-754 floating point number.

id = 5

fmt = <Struct object>

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Double(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt._TAG_Numeric

Represent a single tag storing 1 IEEE-754 double precision floating point number.

id = 6

fmt = <Struct object>

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Byte_Array(name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_Byte_Array, comparable to a collections.UserList with an intrinsic name whose values must be bytes

id = 7

__init__(name=None, buffer=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.





__setitem__(key, value)


insert(key, value)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.


Return a unicode string with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result

is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Int_Array(name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_Int_Array, comparable to a collections.UserList with an intrinsic name whose values must be integers

id = 11

__init__(name=None, buffer=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Adjust struct format description to length given





__setitem__(key, value)


insert(key, value)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Long_Array(name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_Long_Array, comparable to a collections.UserList with an intrinsic name whose values must be integers

id = 12

__init__(name=None, buffer=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Adjust struct format description to length given





__setitem__(key, value)


insert(key, value)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_String(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_String, comparable to a collections.UserString with an intrinsic name

id = 8

__init__(value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.






Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) describing the class, name and id for debugging purposes.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_List(type=None, value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_List, comparable to a collections.UserList with an intrinsic name

id = 9

__init__(type=None, value=None, name=None, buffer=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.





__setitem__(key, value)


insert(key, value)

S.insert(index, value) – insert value before index


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) describing the class, name and id for debugging purposes.


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.


Return a unicode string with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result

is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return formated Unicode string of self, where iterable items are recursively listed in detail.

class nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound(buffer=None, name=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG,

TAG_Compound, comparable to a collections.OrderedDict with an intrinsic name

id = 10

__init__(buffer=None, name=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.





__setitem__(key, value)


keys() -> a set-like object providing a view on D's keys



Return a unicode string with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) with the result in human readable format. Unlike valuestr(), the result

is recursive for iterators till at least one level deep.


Return Unicode string of unnested value. For iterators, this returns a summary.


Return formated Unicode string of self, where iterable items are recursively listed in detail.

class nbt.nbt.NBTFile(filename=None, buffer=None, fileobj=None)

Bases: nbt.nbt.TAG_Compound

Represent an NBT file object.

__init__(filename=None, buffer=None, fileobj=None)

Create a new NBTFile object. Specify either a filename, file object or data buffer. If filename of file object is specified, data should be GZip-compressed. If a data buffer is specified, it is assumed to be uncompressed.

If filename is specified, the file is closed after reading and writing. If file object is specified, the caller is responsible for closing the file.

parse_file(filename=None, buffer=None, fileobj=None)

Completely parse a file, extracting all tags.

write_file(filename=None, buffer=None, fileobj=None)

Write this NBT file to a file.


Return a string (ascii formated for Python 2, unicode for Python 3) describing the class, name and id for debugging purposes.
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